Sermon sung me slow to sleep
Faster if I had a choice
With every breath another death
Still so in love with your own voice
Idle threats to hide regrets
Excuses serve to bide the time
Cover tracks, double back
We summon silence so divine
Greeted with a thundering
absence of applause
Choke on your own words
Lies are venom in your veins
Burn from the inside
And never speak my name
Jesus complex, gag reflex
Trigger happy redundancy
No thrill, no chase, no saving grace
Hypnotic in monotony
Loaded with a salt rock shot
You say you're everything you're not
What might have been is all you've got
From here and now you're dead to me
Greeted with a thunderous
absence of applause
Choke on your own words
Lies are venom in your veins
Burn from the inside
And never speak my name
Nothing will ever erase
Or undo your disgrace
A lonely self-embrace
They've long forgotten you
Still cling to what it was
A lost and hopeless cause
Forever mourning your loss
They've long forgotten you
Murdered slowly in minute
increments of time
Pissing up a rope
Another moment passes by
Choke on your own words
Lies are venom in your veins
Burn from the inside
And never speak my name
brandy'nin kendini ne kadar geliştirdiğini gösteren lamb of god şarkısı. do diyez'den çalınır. o geçişleri yapmak ve o kadar inceldikten sonra o kadar kalın brutal atmak her babayiğidin harcı değildir. bir lafım da chris adler'a, hacım o nasıl bir blacken the cursed sun benzeri ritimlerdir ?
farkettim de adam iyicene karma bi ritim yazmış. ortalarda broken hands'in birebir ritmi var. broken hands'ten tek farkı ise crash le 4'lük yerine, ride ile 8'lik gidiyor.