red hot chili peppers'ın aynı adlı albümündeki şarkısıdır.
Standıng ın lıne to see the show tonıght and
there's a lıght on heavy glow
by the way ı tried to say i'd be there ... waıtıng for
dani the girl is singing songs to me beneath the marquee... overload
steak knıfe card shark con job boot cut
skın that flıck she'S such a little dj
get there quick by streetbut not thr freeway
turn that trıck to make a lıttle leeway beat that nıc but not the way thatwe play
dog town blood bath rıb cage soft taıl
black jack dope dıck pawn shop quıck pıck
kıss that dyke ı know you want to hold one
not on strıke but ı'm about to bowl one
bıte that mıc ı know you never stole one
gırls that lıke a story so ı told one
uzun bir kara yolculuğundan arka arkaya dinlendiğinden mütevellit arkadaşın annesinin tepkisi şöyle olmuştur. ayrıca ortamda bulunanların da kopmasına vesile olmuştur.
-by the way ı tried to say i'd be there oo laalal hımıhm lalaa
+başka şarkı yok mu baydı bu vey artık.
-ooouhahahaha piki teyze
insanın dinledikçe dinleyesi gelen rhcp şarkısı. huzur veriyor, mutlaka deneyiniz.
Sözleride aşağıdaki gibidir:
standing in line to see the show tonight
and there's a light on, heavy glow.
by the way i tried to say i'd be there, waiting for.
dani the girl is singing songs to me
beneath the marquee, overload.
steak knife, card shark, con job, boot cut.
skin that flick she's such a little dj
to get there quick by street but not the freeway
turn that trick to make a little leeway
beat that nic but not the way that we play.
dogtown, bloodbath, rib cage, soft tal.
standing in line to see the show tonight
and there's a light on, heavy glow.
by the way i tried to say i'd be there, waiting for.
black jack, dope dick, pawn shop, quick pick,
kiss that dyke i know you want to hold one,
not on strike but i'm about to bowl one,
bite that mic i know you never stole one,
girls that like a story, so i told one.
song bird, main line, cash back, hard top.
standing in line to see the show tonight
and there's a light on, heavy glow.
by the way i tried to say i'd be there, waiting for.
dani the girl is singing songs to me
beneath the marquee, oversold
by the way i tried to say i'd be there, waiting for.