rockstar gamesvancouver tarafından hazırlanmış oyun. gta serisinin yaratıcısı rockstar tarafından yapılması münasebetiyle, insan ister istemez bu oyunu gta'nın son devam oyunu san andreas ile kıyaslamadan duramıyor. oyundaki kasaba :bullworth haritası öyle gta nın haritaları gibi çok geniş değil, ama yine de hem okulun hem de kasabanın iyi detaylandırıldığını söyleyebilirim. görevler gta benzeri olsada silahlı soygun yapmak veya adam kaçırmak gibi olaylardan ziyade, cadılar bayramında ortalığı birbirine katmak gibi daha bi fırlamalığa dayalı işler var.
malum oyun yatılı bir okulda geçiyor. okul demek ders demek sınavlara girmek demek ayrıca oyunda derslere girmek gibi bir zorunlulukta var. her gün 2 kere sabah 9:00 ve öğleden sonra 13:00 de iki ders var tabii ki derslerde bir nevi oyun içinde oyun tadında ayarlanmış.
rockstar yapımı zamanına göre gayet kaliteli bir oyundur. bir öğrenciyi canlandırırsınız ki benzer türde bir oyun var mıdır düşündürmektedir. okulda ki kızlara hatta müdür ya da müdür yardımcısıydı hatırlamıyorum bayan'a bile pandik atabiliyorsunuz ki enselenme ihtimali yüksektir. keşke 2. oyunu çıksa da oynasak oyunudur.
I'm withholding my anger
Though I'd like to be the strangler
Of this punkass little pussy's puny neck
It's my right to insist
That he acknowledge my existence
But he just displays complete lack of respect
That's what he says to himself
As he uses magazines to trash me
As he sits with both feet up at his desk
Smokes a bag of his weed
And starts imagining things
And he just can't see that he's manically depressed
And in his jealousy and envy
It just whirls him in a frenzy
As he turns on MTV and sees my face
He don't exist in this world
So he just twists and he twirls
Spirals and spins till he runs himself in a race
And it's destroying him slowly
Cuz he does not even know me
Even though he sees me everywhere he goes
So he just tortures himself
He has no fortune and wealth
So he extorts someone else to get his dough
And now he's acting like a bully
So he tries to push and pull me
But he knows that he can't pull me so he's mad
He has no choice but to scream
And raise his voice up at me
Cuz it annoys him to see that I ain't scared
You aint no motherfucking (bully)
And I aint bowing to no motherfucking (bully)
I won't allow it, aint no coward to no (bully)
I'll be damned if I don't stand up to a (bully)
Fight like a man and throw my hands up to a (bully...)
And I know it must be fucking with you emotionall(y...)
Now I'm not trying to make no more enemies
No more unfortunately
There's so many motherfuckers that just are
They just keep pounding at me
Now that I'm down with 50
Suddenly now I got beef with this faggot Ja [laughter]
But his ass is such a puppet
Irv could stick his whole hand up it
And just make him say what he wants him to say
But shook-ass Irv's on a string
And Irv's so nervous that he
Says anything to this man to keep him at bay
So now Ja thinks that he's so tough
And Murder Inc.'s the big bad wolf
And they go huff and puff and blow our label down
But our building's made out of bricks
So you ain't taking out shit
I know you just did a song with Bobby Brown
So now you try to pull a race car
And it backfires in your face hard
Cuz you know we don't play that black and white shit
Plus this guy that you fucked
When you was ecstasied up
Was just a man who's dressed up as a white bitch
You must be taking to much (E...)
Now what bothers me the most
About hip-hop is we so close
To picking up where we left off with Big and Pac
We just lost Jam Master J
Big L got blasted away
Plus we lost Bugs, Slayed Son, and Freaky Ta
It's like a never-ending cycle
That just seems to come full circle
Everyone's gotta be so fucking hard
I'm not excluding myself
Cuz I been stupid as well
I been known to lose it when someone says something smart
But as we grow as men
We learn to let shit go, but then again
There's only so much bullshit we can really stand
We all got reps to uphold
When someone steps on our toes
It's no exception, it goes for every man
But if Irv really gave a fuck
About Ja like he claims he does
He'd wake him up and make his boy get off them drugs
But he just keeps feeding him pills
So if that E doesn't kill him
Someone from G-Unit will and I ain't buzzed
Dawg, I'm talking to you straight
If the situation escalates
Any worse, we're gonna lose another soldier to this game
And if I get killed for this rap
I got a million in cash
That says I will get you back in Halie's name