robin cavendish’in 28 yaşında iken doktorlar tarafından çocuk felci teşhisi konulması sonucunda birdenbire değişen hayatını konu alan, gerçek bir öykü.
oldukça güzel bir film, gerçek hikâye olması ayrıca güzel kılıyor. tek kusuru ana konuya birden bire giriş yapması ve esas karakterimizin geçmişine dair pek bir bilgi verilmemesi, bu yüzden zaman ilerledikçe "bu insanlar neden bu adamı bu kadar çok seviyor" diye soruyorsunuz.
ortalığı kasıp kavuran bir moonspell şarkısı. türk arabeskinden enstantaneler barındırmaktadır. hatta son albüm çıkmadan evvel cazır cazır türkçe bilen birilerini aradılar internette. şöyle bir şey;
Don't be afraid
Don't be ashamed
The body has needs
The body has needs
The body has needs
The body has needs
Surrender to the hunger
Got to let the body feed
Surrender to the hunger
Got to let the body feed
Surrender to the hunger
Got to let the body feed
Surrender to the hunger
Got to let the body feed
The body has needs
The body has needs
The body has needs
The body has needs
No one is a stranger
The body has needs
No one is a stranger
Don't be ashamed
The body has needs
The body has needs
Surrender to the hunger
Got to let the body feed
Surrender to the hunger
Got to let the body feed
Surrender to the hunger
Got to let the body feed
Surrender to the hunger
Got to let the body feed
But don't forget to breathe
Don't forget to breathe
Don't forget to breathe
Don't forget to breathe
Don't forget to breathe
Don't forget to breathe
Don't forget to breathe
Don't forget to breathe
Don't forget to breathe
Don't forget to breathe
Don't be afraid
Don't be ashamed
The body has needs
The body has needs
Don't be afraid
Don't be ashamed
The body has needs
The body has needs
Surrender to the hunger
Don't be afraid
Don't be ashamed
The body has needs
The body has needs
Surrender to the hunger
Got to let the body feed
Surrender to the hunger
Got to let the body feed
Surrender to the hunger
Got to let the body feed
Surrender to the hunger
Got to let the body feed
Don't forget to breathe