Marijuana içmek, Cheese Doodles yemek ve masturbasyon yapmak benim kitabımda plan olarak geçmiyor. (Walt)
Yani bir planın var mı ? Evet Mr. White! Evet, Bilim! (Jesse)
Doctor: Mr. White? Mr. White?
Walter: Yes?
Doctor: You understood what Ive just said to you?
Walter: Yes. Lung cancer. Inoperable.
You know the business and I know the chemistry. (Walter)
Better Call Saul
Sorumluluklarım olmak zorundaysa kanun kaçağı olmamın ne anlamı var ? (Jesse)
Jesse: [Walt'ın elinde tuttuğu şapkaya bakarak.
Walt: Ellerinde sadece bu vardı.
Jesse: O zaman başka bir mağazaya gidersin. Eğer ellerinde sadece bu varsa yanlış yerdesindir.
Seni sikeyim, ve o kaşlarını da! (Walt)
Skyler: Bu nereden çıktı ? ve neden bu kadar iyidi ?
Walter: Çünkü yasadışıydı.
Kemoterapi ve marijuana birlikte elmalı turta ve Chevrolet gibidir. (Marie)
Walter: [Elinde bir bakır tel tutarak] Ve şimdi, bu güzel akımı iletmek için ne kullanacağız, hı ? Akla hangi element geliyor ?
Jesse: Ooooo, tel.
Walter: ( ) Bakır.
Walter: Its me. Im alone.
Jesse Howd you find me?
Walter: Youre still in our filing system. So your aunt owns this place, right?
Jesse: I own it.
Walter: No ones looking for you.
Jesse: Why are you here?
Walter: I was curious. Honestly, I never expected you to amount to much, but methamphetamine? I didnt picture that. Theres a lot of money in it, huh?
Jesse: I dont know what youre talking about.
Walter No?
Jesse: Not a clue.
Walter: Capn Cook? Thats not you? Like I said, no one is looking for you.
Jesse: Look, I dont know what you think youre doing here, Mr. White. I mean, if youre planning on giving me some bullshit about getting right with Jesus by turning myself in
Walter: Not really.
Jesse: High school was a long time ago. You aint Welcome Back Kotter, so step off. No speeches.
Walter: Short speech. You lost your partner today. Whats his name Emilio? Emilio is going to prison. The DEA took all your money, your lab. You got nothing. Square one. But you know the business and I know the chemistry. Im thinking maybe you and I could partner up.
Jesse: You want to cook crystal meth? You and, uh and me?
Walter: Thats right or I turn you in.
"I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No! I am the one who knocks!"
"Ben telikede değilim Skyler, tehlike benim! Adamın biri çalan kapıyı açınca vuruluyor ve sen benim o adam olduğumu mu sanıyorsun? Hayır! Ben kapıyı çalanım!"