kardeşimin ben 10 videolarında sık çalan parça. guitar heroya arkadaşlarımla gittiğimde "bu şarkıyı çalalım mohlursunuz" diyerek onları ikna etmişimdir. vokali nefes gerektirir fakat kolaydır. yüzde doksan sekiz yapmıştım. şarkı sözleri basit bir felsefeye dayanır. kendini serbest bırakmak...meditasyonun başlıca kuralı.
kuzenimin youtube**da gta videolarından birini rastgele açmasıyla tesadüfen duyduğum, bugüne kadar nasıl bilmiyordum diyerekten kendimden utandığım, dinledikten sonraki saatlerde de kasım kasım kastırdığım feci gaz bir drowning pool parçası.
God gave me the sunshine,
Then showed me my lifeline
I was told it was all mine,
Then I got laid on a ley line
What a day, what a day,
And your Jesus really died for me
Then Jesus really tried for me
UK and entropy,
I feel like its ****in' me
Wanna feed off the energy,
Love living like a deity
What a day, one day,
And your Jesus really died for me
I guess Jesus really tried for me
Bodies in the Bodhi tree,
Bodies making chemistry
Bodies on my family,
Bodies in the way of me
Bodies in the cemetery,
And that’s the way it's gonna be
All we've ever wanted
Is to look good naked
Hope that someone can take it
God save me rejection
From my reflection,
I want perfection
Praying for the rapture,
'Cause it's stranger getting stranger
And everything's contagious
It's the modern middle ages
All day every day
And if Jesus really died for me
Then Jesus really tried for me
Bodies in the Bodhi tree,
Bodies making chemistry
Bodies on my family,
Bodies in the way of me
Bodies in the cemetery,
And that's the way it's gonna be
All we've ever wanted
Is to look good naked
Hope that someone can take it
God save me rejection
From my reflection,
I want perfection
Bodies in the Bodhi tree,
Bodies making chemistry
Bodies on my family,
Bodies in the way of me
Bodies in the cemetery,
Bodies in the bodhi tree,
Bodies making chemistry
Bodies on my family,
Bodies in the way of me
Bodies in the cemetery,
And that's the way it's gonna be
All we've ever wanted
Is to look good naked
Hope that someone can take it
So God save me rejection
From my reflection,
I want perfection
Jesus didn't die for you, what do you want?
(I want perfection)
Jesus didn't die for you, what are you on?
Oh Lord
(Jesus really died for you) Ohh
(Jesus really died for you)
(Jesus really died for you) Ohh
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