dio'nun aşmış vokalleri ile, iommi baba'nın şahane riffleri birleşmiş, bir de geezer ve ward amcaların şarkıya olan üstün katkıları eklenmiş, ortaya muhteşem bir parça çıkmış. hakikaten şahane.
dio'nun vokallerine bir kez daha dikkat çekmek manasız belki ama çektim bile.
This is a highly pornographic animated horror movie.
Excellent Animation, Voice Acting (In all languages), a vivid soundtrack and is terrifyingly directed.
This is a top-notch Horror pornography for people who have a high tolerance to extreme sexual acts.
This is NOT for the weak stomached. Includes Extreme Torture.
If you would rather see a cartoon dominated than a real person, this is your flick.
I personally saw about 3 episodes and turned away, too much for me, and I am a body piercer.