
i did not say that you can not be a/an ..., i said you can not be a man.
(bkz: giderin var)
you have to go.
(bkz: erdogan the great)
I fuck your father's enemies.

(bkz: babanın düşmanlarını sikeyim)
"don't make the man shit in your wine bowl." *
are you disco?
But..but... We have our UEFA cup.

Hani yurtdışındakiler duymamışsa onlara da anlatmak isterler diye.
black pepper ? what a black pepper man ? I'll fuck your black pepper.

garabiber mi ? ne garabiberi lan. sikerim senin garabiberini.

(bkz: küfürbaz haydo miras davası)
Türk öğün çalış güven: hey turk! Menu work trust!
Ey türk milleti birinci vazifen: c'mon turkish body! Your first mission...
hiç şüphesiz "under my dick novemberking"dir.
Turkish delight- turk lokumu.
iyi dersler arkadaşlar sağol: good lessons guys be right
i was little: azdım.
(bkz: governmental isn t looking us)
with no be my rose. `*`
You shouldn`t throw smoke bombs soab.( son of a bitch).
(bkz: sis atma oç)
do you know who i am? , now fuck off.
i am master of craft, i am birthday cake.
look at her mother, take her daughter.
this goal does not ba,

bu da mı gol değil be