kadife sesli, hoş ritmli ada grubu. çok güzel şarkı söylediklerinden midir bilmem ama bu grubu dinlerken şarkıların çok kısa olduğunu düşünüyorum, şarkılar bir an önce bitme eğilimi göstermekte sanki. belkide alıp götürdüğünden bilmem.
sikerim girisicem bu ise; expectations diye bi sarkilar olan grup. allahinin adini verdim o kadar mi guzel olur, ceviricem simdi, vallahi dinle bak. cok guzel lan.
monday morning wake up knowing that youve got to go to school ---------------------pazartesi sabahi okula gidecegini bilerek uyan
tell your mum what to expect, she said it's right out of the blue ---------------------annene ne umdugunu soyle, cok yersiz oldugunu soylesin
do you want to work in debenhams, because thats what they expect ------------------- debenhams'te calismak istermisin, cunku bekledikleri bu
start in lingerie, and doris is your supervisor ----------------- -------------------- ic camasiriyla basla, ve doris senin mudurun.
and the head said that you always were a queer one from the start ------------------- ve mudur senin en basindan beri bi acayip* oldugunu soyler
for careers you say you want to be remembered for your art ------------------- -----kariyer olarak dersin ki sanatimla hatirlanmak istiyorum
your obsessions get you known throughout the school for being strange -------------- takintilarin butun okulda bir ucube olarak taninmana sebep olur
making life-size models of the velvet underground in clay ------------------------- the velvet underground'un kilden gercek boyut modellerini yaparsin
in the queue for lunch they take the piss, youve got no appetite --------------------- ogle yemegi sirasinda ugrasirlar seninle, istahin kacar
and the rumor is you never go with boys and you are tight -------------- -----------ve hic erkeklerle cikmadigin soylentisi dolanir, ve cok kati oldugun
so they jab you with a fork, you drop the tray and go berserk ----------------------- ve saplarlar bir catali, dusurursun tepsini ve delirirsin
while your cleaning up the mess the teacher is looking up your skirt ------------------sen pisligi temizlerken ogretmen de eteginin altina bakar
hey, youve been used-----------------------------------------------------hey, sen kullanildin
are you calm? settle down--------------------------------------------------sakin misin? bi durul
write a song, ill sing along--------------------------------------------------sen sarki yaz, ben eslik ederim
soon you will know that you are sane------------------------------------------yakinda aklinin basinda oldugunu anlayacaksin
youre on top of the world again--------------------------------------------- ve tekrar dunyanin tepesindesin
monday morning wake up knowing that youve got to go to school ---------------------pazartesi sabahi okula gidecegini bilerek uyan
tell your mum what to expect, she said it's right out of the blue ---------------------annene ne umdugunu soyle, cok yersiz oldugunu soylesin
do you want to work in c&a, cause thats what they expect--------------------------- c&a'de calismak ister misin, cunku bekledikleri bu
move to lingerie and take a feel off joe the store man-------------------------------ic camasiri bolumune git ve tezgahtar joe'nun hislerini anla
tell veronica the secrets of the boy you never kissed------------------------------- veronica'ya o hic opmedigin cocugun sirlarini anlat
shes got everything to gain cause shes a fat girl with a lisp-------------------------o herseyi elde edebilir cunku pelte agizli sisko bir kiz
she sticks up for you when you get aggravation from the snob-----------------------kendini begenmisler seni kizdirdiginda seni kollar
cause you cant afford a blazer, girl youre always wearing clogs---------------------cunku sen "blazer" alamazsin, sen hep o takunyali kizsin
at the interval you lock yourself away inside a room-------------------------------tenefuste kendini uzaklara bir odaya kitlersin
head of english gets you, asks you, what the hell do you think youre doing? ------------ingilizce hocan gelir, sorar, ne halt ettigini saniyorsun?
do you think youre better then the other kids? well get outside.---------------------diger cocuklardan daha iyi oldugunu mu dusunuyorsun? cik disari da oyna
youve got permission, but youve got to make the bastard think hes right-------------yapabilirsin ama o yavsaga hakli oldugunu hissettirmek zorundasin
hey, youve been used-----------------------------------------------------hey, sen kullanildin
are you calm? settle down--------------------------------------------------sakin misin? bi durul
write a song, ill sing along--------------------------------------------------sen sarki yaz, ben eslik ederim
soon you will know that you are sane------------------------------------------yakinda aklinin basinda oldugunu anlayacaksin
youre on top of the world again--------------------------------------------- ve tekrar dunyanin tepesindesin
are you cool, and you know-------------------------------------------------iyi misin? ve biliyosun
youre a star and youll go far-----------------------------------------------sen bi starsin ve cok basarili olacaksin
think of me as a friend----------------------------------------------------beni bir arkadasin olarak gor
not just a boy whos playing guitar-------------------------------------------oyle siradan gitar calan bir eleman olarak degil
youre on top of the world again---------------------------------------------ve tekrar dunyanin tepesindesin.
Elope with me Miss Private and we will sail around the world
I will be your Ferdinand and you my wayward girl
How many nights of talking in hotel rooms can you take?
How many nights of limping round on pagan holidays?
Oh elope with me in private and we will set something ablaze
A trail for the devil to erase
San Francisco is calling us, the Giants and Mets will play
Piazza, New York catcher, are you straight or are you gay?
We hung about the stadium, we havve got no place to stay
We hung about the tenderloin and tenderly you tell
About the saddest book you ever read
It always makes you cry
The statue is crying too and well he may.
I love you I have a drowning grip on your adoring face
I love you my responsibility has found a place
Beside you and strong warnings in the guise of gentle words
Come wave upon me from the family why not that's absurd
"You will take care of her, I know it, you will do a better job " ;
Maybe, but not what she deserves
Elope with me Miss Private and we will drink ourselves awake
We willl taste the coffee houses and award certificates
A privy seal to keep the feel of 1960's style
We will comment on the decor and we will help the passer by
And at dusk when work is over we will continue the debate
In a borrowed bedroom virginal and spare
The catcher hits for .318 and catches every day
The pitcher puts religion first and rests on holidays
He goes into cathedrals and lies prostrate on the floor
He knows the drink affects his speed he is praying for
a doorway
Back into the life he wants and the confession of the bench
Life outside a diamond is a wrench
I wish that you were here with me to pass the dull weekend
I know it would not come to love, my heroine pretend
A lady stepping from the songs we love until this day
You would settle for an epitaph like " Walk Away, Renee "
The sun upon the roof in winter will draw you out like
a flower
Meet you at the statue in an hour
Meet you at the statue in an hour
sigaranızı yakıp, istanbul un, gündüzün telaşından yeni kurtulmuş gökyüzüne bakarken, annenizin "terli terli su içme" lafının ya da babanıza, aşık olduğunuzu söylerken, yüzüne taktığı gülümsemenin verdiği çocukça duyguyu özlediğiniz anda kulağınıza "he wants to remember things exactly as he left them on that funny day" diye fısıldayan mükemmel grup.
yumusacık şarkılara sahip, insanın içini rahatlatan müzikleri var. solistin * sesi ise duydugum en yumusak ve kendini dinleten seslerden biri. bana ayrıca hep bi death cab tadı veriyor dinlerken. pek de benzemeyen tarzlarına ragmen. dear catastrophe waitress ise insana,daha yumusak bi sesle bi sarkıya daha güsel girilebilir mi diye düsündürtüyor.
internet üzerinden yapılan bir açık artırmayla i'm waking up to us EP'sinin kapağında yer alan
ford granada'yı satarak,
satıştan sağlanan geliri friends of the earth adlı çevreci bir derneğe aktaran stuart murdochun şarkıyazarı ve şarkıcısı olan grup..