Netflix'in 1 sezonunu yayımladığı bilim kurgu drama dizisi.
Biri ABD'li, Biri Hintli, Biri Çinli, Biri Rus ve biri de ingiliz olan 5 astronot arkalarında sevdiklerini bırakarak Mars'a doğru yola çıkarlar. 6 ay süren yolculuk sırasında başlarına bir dolu aksilik gelir. Ama bunlar fantezi yaratıklar falan değil olası Mars yolculuğunda başlarına gelebilecek muhtemel aksiliklerdir.
Bu açıdan bakınca National Geographic'in Mars belgeselini fazlasıyla anımsatıyor. Sadece burada ara ara bilim insanları çıkıp konu hakkında bilgi vermiyor.
10 bölümlük birinci sezonun başrollerinde 2 oscar'lı Hillary Swank, 1996 yılı yapımı "Pillow Book - Tuval Bedenler"den beri görmediğim Vivian Wu, "X-Men - Dark Phoenix" te kötü uzaylılardan biri olan Ato Essandoh, Hint asıllı ingiliz Aktör Ray Panthaki, "Schindler List", "Terminal" ve Ten Ten gibi filmlerde oynayarak Steven Spielberg'in sevdiği oyunculardan olan Mark Ivanirve "Dead Poet Society - Ölü Ozanlar Derneği" filminin 3 has oyuncusundan biri, sevdiği kızın uğruna dayak yemeyi göze alan Knox Overstreet'i Josh Charlesyer alıyor.
IMDB'den 6,1 gibi hiç haketmediği kadar düşük bir not alan diziyi (2.761 kullanıcı) aralarında Edward Zwick, Jeffrey Reiner,Jet Wilkinson,David Boyd,Charlotte Brändström ve Bronwen Hughes 6 yönetmen yönetmiş.
Cold am I
I'm beside myself
Because there's no one else
Have I grown
So blind
Only god could save you
If you knew your way to the light
So fly away
And leave it behind
Just stay awake
There's nowhere to hide
I see you
Cause you won't get out of my way
I hear you
Cause you won't quit screaming my name
I feel you
Cause you won't stop touching my skin
I need you
They're coming to take you away
Frail and dry
I could lose it all
But I cannot recall
It's all wrong
Don't cry
Clear away this hate
And we can start to make it alright
So fly away
And leave it behind
Return someday
With red in your eyes
I see you
Cause you won't get out of my way
I hear you
Cause you won't quit screaming my name
I feel you
Cause you won't stop touching my skin
I need you
They're coming to take you away
I see you
Cause you won't get out of my way
I hear you
Cause you won't quit screaming my name
I feel you
Cause you won't stop touching my skin
I need you
They're coming to take you away
umbra et imago'nun en bilindik şarkılarından biridir, iyidir güzeldir. tabiî ki de infantile spiele* albümlerinde bulunur, yedi buçuk dakika sürer ve albümün en kısa şarkısıdır, gothic erotic'in kankasıdır.
I'm walking the line
I hate this world
I'm seeking for freedom
What's luck
What's luck
All is illusion
Reality is dying
All is covered in varnish
scratch it off - and you see rust
Just look at the people
grabbing everything
trying to buy luck
stick at nothing
isolation is king
consum is deadly
All is covered in varnish
scratch in off - and you see rust
Your hand is like hope
Your face as white as milk
Your skin the surrival
Your mouth is sweet
Words like honey
Creep into my ears
speak softly to me
It's dragging me home
this felling
away - away - away - faraway I wanna go (with you)
The days were brighter
Gardens more blooming
The nights had more hope
In their silence The wild was calling
Wishes were whispering
The time was there
But without a meaning
Away, away in time
Every dream's a journey away
Away to a home away from care
Everywhere's just a journey away
The days departed
Gardens deserted
This frail world
My only rest ?
The wild calls no more
Wishes so hollow
The Barefoot Boy
weeping in an empty night
Cherish the moment
Tower the skies
Don't let the dreamer
fade to grey like grass
No falling for life
A gain for every loss
Time gathered me
But kept me flying
"For this gift of dream I must pay the price
with the loss of life's pleasures"