ari gold

  1. bombalarından bazıları:

    Ari Gold: This is not a drill. This is not an emergency!
    Lloyd: Well, who's going to man the phones?
    Ari Gold: Fuck the phones, Lloyd! Unless Carmen Electra calls for an emergency titty fuck, don't answer!


    Barbara Miller: Ari, you have no money, and I have too much.
    Ari Gold: So what do you want?
    Barbara Miller: To fuck...kidding. I want 60% and my name on top.
    Ari Gold: I'd rather fuck.


    Ari Gold: I always knew that you like dick, Babs. I just didn't know you were a cocksucker.


    Mrs. Gold: I ask for one hour of a day for his undevided attention, and I can't even have that.
    Ari Gold: You could have it if you want to live in Augorra fucking Hills, and go to group therapy. But if you want a Beverly Hills mansion and you want a country club membership, and you want 9 weeks a year in a Tuscan villa, than I'm gonna need to take a call when it comes in at noon on a motherfucking wednesday.


    Ari Gold: People, staff meeting has been cancelled. You all have one goal today: to get Vincent Chase's brother, Johnny Chase, a job. Any job! I don't care if it's a porn shoot in which he is being gang raped by a gaggle of silverback apes, if there are cameras rolling, everybody wins. 10 grand for anyone that can deliver this to me, today.


    vee şahsi favorim..

    Ari Gold: I didn't go to the Lakers game because they were playing the fucking Bobcats; And I came here today because I thought this was a session on how my wife could learn to communicate, how to answer a question without a question, basic Humanity 101, which I thought, given your wall of fucking diplomas, you could easily fix, or if you couldn't, you could give her a pill that would either fix it or make her a mute. But now, to turn around and gang up on me? I have work to do. I have hundreds of clients to deal with, and just so we're clear, I don't care about ANY OF THEM. They’re ALL just a number, like Wife #1 and Therapist #7. GOOD DAY!

    heykeli dikilesi karakterdir kısacası ari gold.
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  2. 1.
  3. entourage dizisini alip goturen karakter. entourage sirf kendisi icin bile izlenilebilir . canlandiran oyuncunun ismi ise jeremy piven 'dir. gregory house'i seven bunyelere siddetle tavsiye edilir.

    ayrica (bkz: fuck)
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  5. küfür dağarcığı müthiş gelişmiş insan.

    (bkz: cunt muscle)
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  6. 9.
  7. yaratıcı küfürler icat etmesiyle bilinen muhteşem dizi karakteri. ayrıca elinden telefonunu hiç düşürmez.


    gay asistanı lloyd'a: "That was a good speech, Lloyd. If I was 25 and liked cock, we could be something."

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  8. 7.
  9. - i don't make the rules. not all of 'em anyway. **
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  12. --spoiler--
    - We're going to hell, so bring your sunblock.
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  13. 12.
  14. entourage'ın vazgeçilmezi olan karakter.çok güzel sinirlenir çok sağlam küfür eder.
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  15. 14.
  16. nerdeyse her amerikan dizinde görmeye alıştığımız yahudi karakterini başka bir boyuta taşıyan ari gold.
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  17. 10.
  18. adam küfür etmekte sınır tanımıyor şu ana kadar en şaşırdığım küfrü ise right fuckin' now oldu. right now zaten kısacık bir pharase iken ve kalıplaşmışken arasına fucking koymak nasıl bir küfürbaz olduğunu anlatıyor zaten çeviride bunu da nasıl çevirelim amına koyuyum diyerekten es geçilmiştir.
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