
entry23 galeri1
  1. ayn rand'ın ilk roman denemesi. türkiye'de ben ve ego isimleriyle yayınlanmıştır.
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  4. blink 182'nin enema of the state albumunde birincisinin ve take off your pants and jacket albumunde ikinci versiyonunun bulunduğu süper gaz şarkı...

    anthem'ın sozlerı söyledir;

    Home show, mom won't know
    Run out the back door
    He's passed out on the floor

    Third time, been caught twice
    Forgive our neighbour Bob
    I think he humped the dog

    But good things come to those who wait
    Cause she laid me
    And mom and dad possess the key - instant slavery
    No need explain the plan no need to even bother
    I'll pack my bags I swear I'll run - wish my friends were 21

    White lies, blood shot eyes
    Breath of alcohol, stole it from the mall
    How's Chris marked with lipstick
    Better call their fathers, sleeping with your daughters

    But good things come to those who wait
    Cause she laid me
    And mom and dad possess the key - instant slavery
    No need explain the plan no need to even bother
    I'll pack my bags I swear I'll run - wish my friends were 21

    You don't belong, you left the kids to carry on
    You planned their fall
    Too bad you're wrong, don't need a mom dad slave drive song
    I time bomb

    Turn low the radio, I think I hear my dad
    Yelling at the band

    But good things come to those who wait
    Cause she laid me
    And mom and dad possess the key - instant slavery
    No need explain the plan no need to even bother
    I'll pack my bags I swear I'll run - wish my friends were 21

    You don't belong, you left the kids to carry on
    You planned their fall
    Too bad you're wrong, don't need a mom dad slave drive song
    I time bomb

    anthem part II da böyledir;

    Everything has fallen to pieces
    Earth is dying, help me Jesus
    We need guidance, we've been misled
    Young and hostile but not stupid

    Corporate leaders, politicians
    Kids can't vote, adults elect them
    Laws that rule the school and workplace
    Signs that caution sixteen's unsafe

    We really need to see this through
    We never wanted to be abused
    We'll never give up, it's no use
    If we're fucked up, you're to blame

    Let this train-wreck burn more slowly
    Kids are victims in this story
    Drown the youth with useless warnings
    Teenage rules, they're fucked up and boring

    We really need to see this through
    We never wanted to be abused
    We'll never give up, it's no use
    If we're fucked up, you're to blame

    Everything has fallen to pieces
    Everything has fallen to pieces
    Everything has fallen to pieces
    Everything has fallen to...

    We really need to see this through
    We never wanted to be abused
    We'll never give up, it's no use
    If we're fucked up, you're to blame

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  5. 4.
  6. trivium un the crusader albümünün ilk parçası; akılda kalıcı bir melodisi var fakat albümün geneline nazaran oldukça basit bir parça.

    (bkz: anthem of rebellion)
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  10. Motet ve kentet gibi eserlerin ingilizce adıdır.
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  12. d&r'da oturup bitirilecek kadar kısa ama özünde çok şeyler barındıran roman.
    ayn rand'ın bireyselliğe verdiği önemi çok iyi yansıtır, doğru söyleyeni dokuz köyden kovarlar temasını işler.
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  15. nasıl kimse bu isimli en güzel şarkıyı yazmamış diye üzüldüğüm, deep purple şarkısı. ortalarındaki önce klavye, sonra yaylılar, sonra da gitar solosunun birbirlerine yumuşak geçişleriyle alır götürür.
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  16. 11.
  17. taşın bile bir kalbi olabileceğini ifade eden bir leonard cohen parçası. adamı öldürmeyip süründürenlerden. Misal;

    There is a crack, a crack in everything
    That's how the light gets in

    Yanisi şu:
    her ne varsa her şeyin bir çatlağı vardır
    ışığı içeri alabilir...

    kalk da kafayı taşlara vurma!
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  18. 12.
  19. müziğini michael amott'un yaptığı,anthems of rebellion albümünden enstrümantal arch enemy şarkısı..
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  20. 13.
  21. 80'lerden gününümüze miras kalmış bir heavy metal grup. o kadar taş grubun arasında kaybolup gitmiş maalesef.

    1985 - anthem
    1986 - tightrope
    1987 - bound to break
    1987 - the show carries on
    1988 - gypsy ways
    1989 - hunting time
    1990 - no smoke without fire
    1992 - domestic booty
    1992 - last anthem
    2000 - heavy metal anthem
    2001 - seven hills
    2002 - overload
    2003 - melt down
    2004 - eternal warrior
    2006 - immortal
    2008 - black empire
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  23. yaylılardı soloydu barok dönemine göz kırptıydı falan diyip zaten muhteşem olan duygusal melodili yapısına entel bir bakış açısı getirilerek yüceltilmeye gerek duymayan olağanüstü bir deep purple şarkısıdır.
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  24. 15.
  25. ingilizce'de milli marş anlamına gelmektedir.
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  26. 16.
  27. yazılmamış ya la. yeni nesil iced earth'ün yaptığı en iyi şarkılardan biri.
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  28. 17.
  29. iced earth - dystopia

    in your eyes i see your desperate and in hunger
    reclaim your future, your paths uncertain
    see this child it's raised in hate and in anger
    his eyes wide open, his rage so focused

    torn asunder our destiny is in sight
    this is the anthem to celebrate your life
    torn asunder our destiny is in sight
    this is the anthem to celebrate your life

    the single mother she is strained and she suffers
    she slaves away, her life in turmoil
    the homeless man had it all and now has nothing
    his spirit broken plagued from injustice

    torn asunder our destiny is in sight
    this is the anthem to celebrate your life
    torn asunder our destiny is in sight
    this is the anthem to celebrate your life

    we have the power make our lives what they ought to be
    reconnect with our humanity
    transcend to a higher place, accepting reality
    you are the key to the life you seek

    torn asunder our destiny is in sight
    this is the anthem to celebrate your life
    torn asunder our destiny is in sight
    this is the anthem to celebrate your life
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  30. 18.
  31. Kamelot'un ghost opera albümünden bir inci.

    What's a miracle if life itself is not
    Who am I to praise his worth with a hymn
    I may stumble over words that I forgot
    Just as life itself surely begin

    Sing me a song for the mountains to move
    Sing me the anthem of life
    Sing me the anthem of life

    I am skeptical, I like my glass of wine
    I don't know your name or what I am to do
    One day you'll wonder why so I read between the lines
    And you will sing for me the way I sang for you

    Sing me a song for the ocean to part
    Sing me the anthem of life
    Sing me the anthem of life
    Sing me the anthem of life

    And so another page is turned
    I pray I understand what's happening
    But if anything, I do know this
    I'll be the best I can

    Sing me a song like the angels rejoice
    Sing me an anthem of life
    Sing me the anthem
    Sing me the anthem of life
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  32. 19.
  33. ben de diyorum, bana şarkı yapmışlar ne düşünceliler.
    ben değilmişim.
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  34. 20.
  35. Amerikan sağlık sigortası şirketi.
    2015 yılı cirosu 79 milyar 157 milyon dolardır.
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  36. 21.
  37. bioware'in yeni oyunu. kaliteli bir oyun olacağı çok muhtemel ama bioware kalitesinde bir yapım olacak mı, hiç zannetmiyorum.

    Edit: düşündüğümden daha büyük facia oldu. Yazık.
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  38. 22.
  39. 2018'de EA games tarafından çıkacak PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows oyunu.
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  41. Amerikan sağlık sigortası şirketi.
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