Kederli bir girişin ardından sonra gelen it s just another way to die çığlığıyla ne dinliyorum lan ben dedirten disturbed harikası. Zaten şunun şurasında disturbed dinleyen kaç kişi kaldık ki?
nakarati sacma sapandir. ne jack white'in sesi alicia keys'e, ne alicia keys'in sesi jack white'a uymustur. canli yayinda rastgele iki sanatciya bir sarki söyletmeye calisirsin, seslerini birbirlerine göre ayarlamaya calisirlar, ses tonu tutturmaya calisirlar, ortaya sacma bir sey cikar, o'na benziyor.
The indulgence of our lives has cast a shadow on our world.
Our devotion to our appetites betrayed us all.
An apocalyptic plight.
More destruction will unfold.
Mother Earth will show her darker side and take her toll.
It's just another way to die.
There can be another reason why.
You know we should have seen it coming.
Consequences we cannot deny will be revealed in time.
Glaciers melt as we pollute the sky.
A sign of devastation coming.
We don't need another way to die.
Can we repent in time?
The Time bomb is ticking and no one is listening.
Our future is fading.
Is there any hope we'll survive?
Still, we ravage the world that we love.
And the millions cry out to be saved.
Our endless maniacal appetite.
Left us with another way to die.
It's just another way to die.
Can we repent in time?
Greed and hunger led to our demise.
A path I can't believe we followed.
Black agenda's rooted in a lie.
Will we repent in time?
Species fall before our very eyes.
A world that they cannot survive in left them with another way to die.
Are we dead inside?
[Chorus x2]
Can we repent in time?
It's just another way to die.
Can we repent in time?
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