pennsylvania , lancaster . polis 27 yaşında
bıçaklı bir saldırganı öldürmüş .
fakat bazı gruplar ölenin 14 yaşında otistik
bir çocuk olduğu yalanını yaymışlar ....
BREAKING @Lancaster_DA
release body cam video from todays
fatal Officer involved shooting. Video shows 27
year old Ricardo Munoz running toward an
officer with a knife above his head
before being shot *GRAPHIC* .
At least 13 U.S. cities have cut funding from police department budgets or decreased officer numbers with several more in the process amid a national reckoning over systemic racism and police brutality, according to a Forbes tally.
amerikada polisin bütçesi kısılıyor .
The country’s two largest cities, New York and Los Angeles, approved budget cuts weeks after protests began—New York slashed $1 billion from its 2021 budget totaling $88.9 billion (reallocating $354 million to mental health, homelessness and education services) while Los Angeles approved a $150 million budget cut from its $1.86 billion proposed budget.
trumpun eski danışmanı roger stone
trumpa " eğer seçimi kaybedersen bütün
gücü eline al , polisi merkezileştir ,
oy kullanılmasını engelle , tutuklamalar yap
demiş " .
Roger Stone calls for Trump to seize total
power if he loses the election
Stone also said federal authorities should seize all
Nevada ballots, federal agents and GOP state officials
should “physically” block voting, that Trump
should nationalize police forces, and that Trump
should order widespread arrests .
meksika sınırına duvar yapılmasına karşı
çıkan michigan valisi , vali konağının etrafını
elektrikli tellerle çevirmiş .
Despite her vocal opposition to building border walls to keep Americans safe from illegal immigration, Democrat Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is having an eight-foot high, electrified fence built around her official residence to keep out unwanted visitors.
An Oregon man was charged with arson in connection to a raging wildfire that destroyed hundreds of homes, one of the blazes gripping the state with death and devastation. Michael Jarrod Bakkela, 41, was jailed on two charges of arson .
The suicide rate among Americans ages 10 to 24 increased
by 57% between 2007 and 2018, data published Thursday
from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) shows.
10 -24 yaşları arasındaki amerikalı gençlerin intihar
etme oranı % 57 artmış .....
The shooting victim in downtown Portland tonight had a side bag with a "blue lives matter" style flag. Many antifa on social media are celebrating his death, even though his ID is not yet known. The shooting suspect is still at-large.
videonun başında gözüken sonrada itlaf olan ,kırmızı
tişörtlü kel blm üyesi çocuk istismarcısıymış .....
The 3 shot (2 killed) in #Kenosha, Wisc. at the BLM riot have been identified.
Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, was the first one killed.
Video allegedly shows him chasing teen shooter &
throwing something at him. Rosenbaum was a
registered sex offender for a sex crime involving a minor.
Yenik tarafın "başkan"ının 2 yıl kadar çok kötü şartlarda hapis tutulmakla birlikte, sonra yargılanmayıp serbest bırakıldığı ve normal yaşamına döndüğü iç savaş. (bkz: jefferson davis)
yahu daha dün okuduğum kitapta "amerikan iç savaşından kalma bir tabanca" cümlesi geçiyordu, böyle bir şeyin yaşandığından ilk defa haberdar olmuştum.
bugün de bu başlığı gördüm, mübarek insan mıyım yoksa uğursuz muyum bilemedim. *