altar for the black mass

  1. theatres des vampires 'in bloody lunatic asylum * albumunden okkult ve satanik bir parcasi, demonik bir ayini anlatir.

    siradaki parcamizi, revolter00'in server odasindan paintitblack "alayina gitmesini" istiyor, buyurun;

    black candles around the altar..
    a naked virgin lying ready for the sacrificial ceremony

    the black priest invokes the demoniacal entity
    seize the chalice and drink the blood
    on the altar ready for the black mass

    red velvet on the altar
    a naked virgin lying ready to give her soul to satan
    he feels satan has arrived...
    he comes to take the soul of the virgin

    the black priest invokes the demoniacal entity
    seize the knife and made himself a cut on the hand
    and the virgin suck the wound

    he feels satan has arrived...
    he comes to take the soul of the virgin

    red velvet on the altar
    a naked virgin lying ready to give her soul to satan

    he feels satan has arrived...
    the body and the soul of the virgin for satan

    she will become his bride, she will become her daughter
    she will become his sister on the altar !
    0 ...
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