bizzat yetkililerinden öğrendiğim kadarıyla allerji yapma ihtimali sıfıra yakın votka.
Jake D from ABSOLUT VODKA has replied to:
Thank you for your message.
We do not offer a comprehensive list of all our ingredients since this would compromise our business interests in regard to other producers. We can however supply information regarding the content of allergens.
We approach the allergen issue with European Union allergen list as our basis. This list includes peanuts, soybeans, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, pecan nuts, Brazil nuts, pistachio nuts, macadamia or Queensland nuts and products thereof. From that list we can confirm that we are in compliance with respect to the European Union regulation on allergens (Directive 2003/89/EC).
We can say with confidence that Absolut Vodka(not flavoured) does not contain any allergens. This is because the allergens present in the starting material (gluten from wheat) are removed in the distillation step as part of our normal process to make vodka.
For our flavoured vodka (e.g. Absolut Citron) it is impossible for us to fully guarantee that the flavour ingredients have not come in contact with any trace of allergens during the suppliers' production processes. We do require allergen free documentation (based on Directive 2003/89/EC) from all flavor suppliers. We do not use any flavours where allergens (e.g. wheat) are declared. Based on this supplier information our vodkas are allergen free.
For extra precaution, our general advice to people who suffer from food allergies is to refrain from consuming flavoured vodkas. Instead, we recommend the unflavoured Absolut Vodka for people who want to avoid all risk of coming in contact with any trace of allergens.
türkiye'de satılan piyasadaki her votkayı denedim. kesinlikle en iyisi bu.
diğer votkalarda(smirnoff hariç diyebilirim) bazısında az bazısında çok olmak üzere (birkaç kere de kusma durumu oldu) mide bulantısı oldu. ama kaç defa absolut içtiysem ne midem bulandı ne de kusma durumu oldu. tadı da diğerlerine göre kesinlikle daha iyi. sek içilebilir. diğerlerini sek içerseniz anında mide bulantısı olur.