in cold blood

entry11 galeri2
  1. yönetmenliğini richard brooks`un yaptığı 1967 yapımı film.
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  5. capote'nin en popüler kitabıdır. "makası kaleme tercih ederim" diyen bir yazarın seri katillik müessesesi hakkında yazdığı bir kitap olduğu düşünülürse, neden bütün holywood seri katil filmlerinin bu kitaptan klişeler taşıdığı anlaşılabilir kanımca. e peki kitap güzelmidir, güzeldir.
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  7. roman bittiğinde cinayeti işleyenlere kızamazsınız. onların davranışları, hayatın onlara davranışları, okuyucunun gözünde masumluk katar onlara.

    hele ki kafasına sıkmak için bodruma götürdükleri adamı yere yatırmadan önce altına karton sermeleri ruhu olmayanın bile ruhu olduğunu ispatlar niteliktedir. az sonra öldürecekleri adam beton zeminde üşümesin diye altına karton sererler.

    az sonra da kafasına tüfekle ateş ederler. bocalar durursunuz adamları yargılamaya çalışırken.
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  10. perry smith adında bir karakter vardır kitapta. katildir. ama sevdirir kendisini size. düşünürsünüz.
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  12. aile yaşantısının, insan hayatını ne kadar etkileyebileceğini konu alan film. şartlı tahliye uygulamasının da sağlıklı bir uygulama olmadığını anlatıyor bizlere. şöyle de bir kadrosu var;

    Robert Blake - Perry Smith
    Scott Wilson - Richard 'Dick' Hickock
    John Forsythe - Alvin Dewey
    Paul Stewart - Jensen
    Gerald S. O'Loughlin-Harold Nye
    Jeff Corey - Mr. Hickock
    John Gallaudet - Roy Church
    James Flavin - Clarence Duntz
    Charles McGraw - Tex Smith
    Will Geer - Prosecutor
    John McLiam - Herbert Clutter
    Ruth Storey - Bonnie Clutter
    Brenda Currin - Nancy Clutter
    Paul Hough - Kenyon Clutter
    Vaughn Taylor - Good Samaritan

    filmin sonunda perry' nin eski hapishane müdürü ile yaptığı konuşma sahnesinde; yönetmen, camdaki yağmur damlalarının aksini perry' nin yüzüne yansıtıp onu ağlıyor gibi göstermiş ya.. işte o sahne aldı aklımı baştan.

    filmi tek bir cümleyle özetlemek gerekirse;

    "yanlış başlayan hiçbir şey doğru devam etmez."
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  14. In Cold Blood - New Journalism

    . Between 1960s and 1970s journalists started to present the information in a form usually used in fiction - writing events with history.

    Tom Wolfe: The properties of new-journalism

    -Scene by Scene Construction: It means to learn the events first, to put it into order and then explain it with all details.

    . Because it is re-created the story is like a movie. There are long, short angles in the novel.
    . It makes to reader feel like there is no narration, as if the events are shown from the camera.
    . This property makes the film more objective.

    -Dialogue: leads people to interpret about the events. It also means to make interpretations; defining and establishing the characters. This makes the novel more subjective.

    -The Third Person: makes the novel more objective - omniscient narrator.

    -Status Details: Truman Capote investigates everything about the event in detail. He made 8000 pages reading and 6 year investigation to write In Cold Blood.

    . In this novel real world and fiction are connected to each others successfully. Capote travelled to Kansas, did interviews, found the detective, and reported last death of the death obsessed criminals. The crime was so vividly re-created.
    . Clutters are sympathized in the novel. Capote makes the reader hate from dick and Perry, but also we can't hate them. Perry also is shown as victim in the novel.
    . The last part of the novel is the prison part which is more objective. The reader learns the murderers with their own words - private lives. So the reader is able to see them from different perspectives when he/she learns about their past.
    . Perry has mental-illness. The nun beats him so much. His mother is an alcoholic and forsaken them.
    . Perry's first aim to go Kansas is to see his friend Willy Jay who he meets in the prison. However, he is not able to see him and he goes with Dick.
    . Dick's mother does not want Perry into her house because they believe that Dick is healed and don't want him to see anybody from prison.
    . They say that they going to see Perry's sister to take money from her for job. Dick is so much fond of his family.
    . Jom Walls is the person who tells the story of Clutters to Dick. He says that there is no eye-witness about the event. However he forgets everything he said to Walls about the robbery. Dick and Perry are totally sure that they will be no execution.
    . Perry has a box which he always carries with him. They go to Mexico after the murder but they decide to come back. Perry carries the boots he wore on the murder.
    . After they are caught the events are revealed. The church loses its importance because people see that good people are also murdered.
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  16. truman capote nin bir ailenin katledilmesini anlatan konusunu gerçek hayattan almış romanı. ilk okuduğum zaman rüyama giren ve iki gün boyunca hiç elimden düşürmeden bitirdiğim harika eser. bir suçluya insan ancak bu romanda acındığı kadar acınılabilir. hem clutter ailesi ne hem de perry smith e acır insan.
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