the doors'un en tatli, sevimli sarkilarindan biridir.
bir kez daha deneysel calisicam ve sozlerini ceviricem, gozlerinizi kapatiniz;
yeah! come on, come on, come on, come on
now touch me, baby
can't you see that i am not afraid?
what was that promise that you made?
why won't you tell me what she said?
what was that promise that you made?
now, i'm gonna love you
till the heavens stop the rain
i'm gonna love you
till the stars fall from the sky for you and i
come on, come on, come on, come on
now touch me, baby
can't you see that i am not afraid?
what was that promise that you made?
why won't you tell me what she said?
what was that promise that you made?
i'm gonna love you
till the heavens stop the rain
i'm gonna love you
till the stars fall from the sky for you and i
i'm gonna love you
till the heavens stop the rain
i'm gonna love you
till the stars fall from the sky for you and i
stronger than dirt
eveeet, hadi hadi hadi hadi
dokun bana bebegim
korkmadigimi goremiyor musun ?
verdigin o soz neydi peki ?
bana soylenen guzellikleri neden soylemeyeceksin?
verdigin o soz neydi peki?
simdi seni sevmeye basliyacagim
cennetler suyunu bitirene kadar,
seni hep sevecegim
ta ki yildizlar senin ve benim icin dusene kadar