--s01e05 spoiler--
tamam anladık sean zeki falan da, sarışın bir sevgilinin bu kadar çakal olmasını kimse açıklamaya çalışmasın bana. neyse ki seks manyağı çıkması biraz kompanse etmiş karakteri. sean ı gördü mü yumuluyor a.ına koyim.
başkan, olmayan karizmasını bu bölüm göz yaşartacak cinsten makul bir seviyeye çekti:
thomas: i have the counteragent prepared and ready to be delivered to you. as soon as you release sophia and the detainees. mr president: don't bother.
thomas: what did you say ? mr president: don't bother. i'm not releasing any of them. it's not going to happen.
thomas: then the passengers will die. and what i did to them, i can do to whole towns, entire cities. you accept the terms to my deal. mr president: here's the new deal. you're going to give me that antidote, and you're give it to me when i tell you to, because if even one of those passengers dies, i will execute sophia and the rest of the detainees at inostranka. all of them.
thomas: you wouldn't mr president: you're wrong.