start of a something new

entry1 galeri
  1. high school musical filminin ilk soundtrack'idir. vanessa hudges ve zac efron'ın canlandırdığı karakterler bu şarkıyı yılbaşı partisinde kareokede seslendirirler. 3 filmin soundtrackleri arsında da en güzelidir. sözleri şöyledir:

    (Zac Efron)
    livin' in my own world
    didn't understand,
    that anything could happen
    when you take a chance

    I never believed in,
    what I couldn't see
    i never opened my heart
    to all the possibilities

    i know that something
    has changed
    never felt this way
    and right here tonight,
    This could be the...
    Start of something new
    it feels so right to be here with you
    and now im lookin' in your
    eyes i feel in my heart
    The Start of Something New

    (Zac Efron)
    now who would ever thought

    we'dboth be here tonight

    (zac efron)

    the world
    looks so much brighter

    (zac efron)

    with you by my side,


    i know that something has changed never
    felt this way,
    i know it for real
    this could be the.....

    Start of something new
    it feels so
    right to be here with you
    and now im lookinin your eyes
    i feel in my heart
    the start of something new

    (Zac Efron)
    i never knew
    that it could happen,
    'til it happened to me

    i didn't know it before

    but now its
    easy (together) to see

    its the start of something new,
    it feels so right
    to be here with you
    and now im lookinin your eyes
    i feel in my heart
    that its the start of something new
    it feels so right
    to be here
    with you and now
    im lookin' in your
    eyes i feel in my heart
    the start of something new,
    the start of something new,
    The Start of Something New
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