nerde o eski günler

entry11 galeri
  1. ingilizce karsiligi good old days olan, gecmise olan ozlemi belirten soz obegi..

    surekli merak ettik durduk nerde o eski guzel gunler, hangi gunler o eski guzel gunler ama artik bir cevabimiz var;,18210/
    boston—a study published monday by a group of linguists, historians, and semioticians has proved the concept of "the good old days" can be traced back to the weekend of june 19, 1948. "after extensive interviews, analysis of personal correspondence, and repeated viewings of that week's ed sullivan show, we have pinpointed the precise time period this phrase signifies," said researcher patrick washington, explaining that during the 48-hour period, no hard work went unrewarded and normal folks could count on hope for the future. "during this brief window, a man was a man, a woman was a woman, and people had the decency to stop you on the street and say hello. at least until sunday at 11:53 p.m." the study also confirmed that throughout these two "good old days" singer peggy lee was on the radio and the weather was just perfect.
    ceviri calismasi;

    bir grup dilbilimci, isaret bilimci ve tarihci tarafindan yayinlanan calisma "eski guzel gunler" taniminin 19 haziran 1948 haftasonunu isaret ettigini kanitladi. "genis capli roportajlar, kisisel mektuplasmalarin analizi ve tekrar tekrar izlenen o haftasonu yayinlanan ed sullivan sov'un yardimiyla o soz kalibinin tam olarak ifade ettigi haftasonunu hatasiz olarak hesapladik" diyor arastirmaci patrick washington ve acikliyor; o 48 saatlik haftasonu boyunca hic bir agir is karsiliksiz kalmadi, siradan halklar gelecege umutla bakabiliyordu. "o kisa sure boyunca, bir erkek tam anlamiyla bir erkek erkek ve bir kadin tam anlamiyla bir kadindi, insanlarin sizi yolda durdurup merhaba diyecek samimiyeti vardi,. taki pazar 23.53'e kadar." calisma ayrica o eski guzel iki gun boyunca radyoda sarkici peggy lee'nin caldigini ve havaninda tek kelimeyle harika oldugunu ortaya koydu.
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