
entry10 galeri
  1. umbra et imago'nun en bilindik şarkılarından biridir, iyidir güzeldir. tabiî ki de infantile spiele* albümlerinde bulunur, yedi buçuk dakika sürer ve albümün en kısa şarkısıdır, gothic erotic'in kankasıdır.

    I'm walking the line
    I hate this world
    I'm seeking for freedom
    What's luck
    What's luck
    All is illusion
    Reality is dying
    All is covered in varnish
    scratch it off - and you see rust

    Just look at the people
    grabbing everything
    trying to buy luck
    stick at nothing
    isolation is king
    consum is deadly
    All is covered in varnish
    scratch in off - and you see rust

    Your hand is like hope
    Your face as white as milk
    Your skin the surrival
    Your mouth is sweet
    Words like honey
    Creep into my ears
    speak softly to me

    It's dragging me home
    this felling
    away - away - away - faraway I wanna go (with you)
    0 ...