maybe one of the reasons was the issue of security.
apparently there was a bombing in istanbul the day before we arrived, and there was also word that the concert was a terrorist target.
kokuyu falan geç sen.. asıl sorunu gör! işte ben buna ağlarım.ister alis in çeyns olsun isterse grup vitamin.the concert was a terrorist target.. vay anam vay..
sonra adam bi de kesinlikle haklı olarak güvenliğin ''ciddiyetiyle'' taşak geçmiş. oynat uğurcuğum ;
and to cap things off, there was a metal detector at the entrance of our hotel. that was a first. however, there were about 6 feet of open space on one side of it, and about 20 feet on the other side. so if the terrorist was a really honest person and a strict rule-follower, he would have been nabbed. then again, he may have walked through, set off the alarm, and kept on walking without being checked, just like the guy i witnessed as i was sitting in the lobby.
i've never felt safer...
vay anam vay.. kokuyu önlemek bir deodrant'a bakar.güvenlik,terör odağı olmak paha biçilemez.