süngerbob kareşort

entry7 galeri
  1. captain: are you ready kids
    kids: i i captain.
    captain: i can't hear you.
    kids: i i captain
    captain: ohhhhhhh
    who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
    kids: spongebob squarepants!
    captain: absorbent and yellow and pourous is he!
    kids: spongebob squarepants!
    captain: if nautical nonsense be something you wish!
    kids: spongebob squarepants!
    captain: then drop on the deck and flop like a fish!
    kids: spongebob squarepants!
    captain: ready?
    captain and kids: spongebob squarepants, spongebob squarepants,
    spongebob squarepants!
    captain: spongebob squarepaaaaannttss!!!
    captain: ha ha ha ha !!!!

    güçlüyüm, zekiyim, bunu yapabilirim! daha tatlı olan bu kadar saf ve bu kadar şeker olan başka bir çizgi film karakteri tanımıyorum.
    (bkz: evin her yerinde spongebob eşyaları olması)
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