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entry98 galeri
  1. uluslar arasi deniz kanunlarindan fazla anlamayan yazardir. Uluslar arasi yasalari direk quote ediyorum, sonra turkceye cevirecegim:

    " a state, in a time of conflict, can impose an embargo, and while it cannot carry out embargo activities in the territorial waters of a third party, it can carry out embargo activities in international waters.

    within this framework it is legal to detain a civilian vessel trying to break an embargo and if in the course of detaining the vessel, force is used against the forces carrying out the detention then that force has every right to act in self defense."


    "Bir ulke herhangi bir catisma vya savas durumunda baska bir ulkeye ambargo uygulama hakkina sahiptir. Ucuncu parti bir ulkenin sularinda * ambargo uygulama amacli eylem yapamasa da kendi sulari ve uluslar arasi sularda amabrgo faaliyetinde bulunabilir.

    Bu cerceve icerisinde ambargoyu kirmaya calisan sivil bir gemiyi ele gecirmek yasaldir! Sayet ele gecirme islemi sirasinda, ele geciren ulkeye karsi direnc amacli guc uygulanirsa, kendini korumak amaciyla her turlu karsilik verilebilir!"

    (#8308789) kodlu entry ye opucukler ve basarilar...

    kaynak: http://www.honestreportin...shes_Anti-Israel_Wave.asp
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