okuyucu yorumlarından bazıları :
* author: anonymous / country: istanbul, turkey 05/31/2010 19:37
this attack was committed on international waters not israeli waters. israel cannot justify this horrible attack on civilians, who were not only turkish but from many places in europe. i'm not a supporter of the current extremist israeli government, but i also strongly oppose the extremist ruling party akp in turkey, i am not anti-israel but its difficult to sympathise with them after 19 innocent activists have been murdered.
* author: shaun murray / country: new zealand 05/31/2010 07:47
i say shame on all of the people publishing on here, get your facts right. the flotilla is not a hamas organized group, they have a good cause and yes it is a publicity stunt, the story that the israeli government doesn't want you to here is that people are starving and dying because of lack of medical supplies in gaza, and innocent people are dying because of the blockade. stop being so blind people, get your facts strait and look at both sides, because the american supporting israeli side is washed with propaganda while;e everyone ignores the palestinian peace activists side you war loving losers out their.
* author: shane brady / country: ireland 05/31/2010 07:56
shame on israel. i want to see the israeli embassy in my country shut down, and all its staff expelled.
--spoiler-- http://tinyurl.com/37h6n6q