
entry294 galeri
  1. tamburada'nın fantastik albümünün 6. parçası.

    what you say is not what i would think at all
    what you see is not what i would see at all
    what you do is not what i would do at all
    and when you smile it`s not because you're happy is it?

    when i talk you're never really listening are you?
    when i'm there you're never really there or are you?
    when i'm done you always wish for more don't you?
    so when i go why do you want me back or do you?

    it's funny that you can be by yourself at last
    to see that you can entertain yourself at last
    i see you have time to do your own things now
    so why sit and think of what you did that's past

    i heard you got married and have twins i think
    i'm glad for you because that's what you always wished for wasn't it?
    so now i`m sure you know what it's like to give and not take
    i bet you found it hard but you're alive aren`t you?
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