şahsına münhasır bir tarzı olan biricik, taptığım grup olan nevermore'un ilk albümünün 7. şarkısı. şarkının isminden de anlaşılacağı gibi timothy leary adlı bir herife ithaf edilen bir parçadır ki zaten sözlerini okuyunca o adamın kim olduğunu az çok anlayacaksınız. bu yönüyle de nevermore'un ne kadar değerli bilgiler içeren, ne derece bir edebi grup olduğunu ve dinleyenlerini meraka sürüklediğini de bu şarkı sayesinde anlıyoruz.
A wise man came across the sea
In search of LSD philosophy
With open heart and open mind
To find the goodness in mankind
Bare your soul and you're saved
Believe the chosen that dreams in rage
Chemicals improve the view
Visions now have bloomed in you
Windowpane is suffered bliss
A psychedelic kiss
Show to me your ideology
Do you perceive or are you sleeping?
Timothy Leary, where are you now
The world needs you, we're going down
In translation they used the key
Altered visions, Tao Teh Ching
Open sky to paint their dreams
And see as did Lao Tzu
Melt away all the hate and pain
Mission is clear, awake the dreaming
Go to sleep child, and dream
When Timothy Leary first started speaking out in the sixties people didn't understand what he was trying to say, some people
didn't want to understand him, the establishment wanted to kill him, they wanted to suppress him, squash him like a bug, we
always want to kill what we do not understand, all he was trying to say was that we need to realize our inner harmony, to see
things in a different way, to truly be free...