kanadalı müzisyen,şair,yazar.yahudi olması da can sıkıcı ama...
işte albümleri:
the songs of leonard cohen (1968)
songs of a room (1969)
song of love and hate (1971)
live songs (1972)
new skin for the old ceremony (1973)
best of leonard cohen (1975)
death of a ladies' man (1977)
recent songs (1979)
various positions (1984)
i'm your man (1988)
the future (1992)
cohen live (1994)
more best of (1997)
field commander cohen - tour of 1979 (2001)
ten new songs (2001)
the essential of leonard cohen (2002)
ve işte kitapları;
let us compare mythologies
the spice-box of earth
the favourite game
flowers for hitler
beautiful losers
parasites of heaven
selected poems
the energy of slaves
death of lady's man
book of mercy
stanger music