facebookta hakkında açılan sayfalarda çok pis geyikler dönen insanlık yoksunu futbolcu. i had an affair with john terry adlı sayfada yazanlardan bazı örnekler şöyle:
i saw a picture of wayne rooney's kid in the paper today. anyone else think he looks a bit like john terry?**
after beating arsenal 2-0 on sunday, john terry threw his shirt into the crowd. i was the lucky one who caught it, and what struck me most was that he seems to wear the same perfume as my wife! which I thought was a bit...weird...hang on! *
wayne bridge is quoted as saying, "capello, it's either me or john". good one wayne. the last time someone had the option to choose between you and john terry it really worked in your favour, didn't it?*
ashley cole was caught doing 104mph in a 50mph zone. when questioned by police as to why he was speeding, he said "i've just heard john terry is parked outside my house."*