solosuyla insanı paralize edebilen, hayaller gördürten bir theory in practice şarkısı. colonizing the sun albümünde bulunur. şimdi ben burda ne kadar dil döksem de, bu şarkının kudretini, görkemini anlatmaya kelimeler yetmeyeceği için, sözlerini vermekle yetineyim.
Hybridization takes control
Hands of the past starts ripping at the fabric of time
Clawing with frantic intensity, coming alive
Nailed to thin air as I marvel at the absurdity I see
Through a rip reaching through, they are choking me
Features fabricated, a mask terrestrial
The truth between two lies
An illusion manifested in the physical
Shapeshifter, a hybrid being
Hiding underneath
Riding the thesis, seeing is believing
Time moves backwards, counter-clockwise
Memories gather, forming a cluster asphyxiating me
Re-living the silent punishment of merging realities
Remembering my ancestry, I am human but still not quite
A victim of hybridization, a program shunned from light
My blood interstellar and I'm shedding skin
Becoming what I always was
Embracing my unearthly origin
Shapeshifter, a hybrid being
Hiding nomore
Anti-thesis, seeing is deceiving.