
entry66 galeri video3
  1. neden e$cinsel yaftası konuyor? içerisinde gecen sen burda yerdesin ben ağzına bir$eyler vermeye çalı$ıyorum cümlesi mi?
    yok artık , gencler. Bu filmden almanız gereken milyarlarca mesaj vardı. siz yine gayliğe mi kaydınız?

    özgürlüğün kanadını koparamayız bunu asla unutmayın.
    matthew modine'in gercekle$tirdiği nedir, oyunculuk mudur adını bile koyamıyorum.

    "they got the best of us, birdy.
    we're both totally screwed up.
    we haven't had anything to do with making our own lives. fuck!
    i was always so damned sure about being myself and how nobody was going to make me do anything i didn't want.
    and now, here i am.
    they finish you off with a discharge or put you on a casualty list.
    it doesn't matter how special you are or were.
    i feel like one of those dogs nobody wanted, remember?
    you know, when that shell went off in my face l could smell burning flesh.
    and it was crazy because the smell was so sweet so familiar.
    then i realized that it was my own skin that was frying.
    and i couldn't even touch the pain.
    i don't even know what i look like anymore.
    i don't know if it's me under these bandages or what some army meat-cutter thinks is me.
    i don't want a patched-up, instant-pity excuse for a face.
    i just want it to be ai under here.
    not some sewn-together freak mask.
    what's so great about their fucking world anyway?
    we'll just stay here and keep the hell out of it.
    i don't have to go get these bandages off.
    i figured out what you're doing.
    you're right.
    we should just hide out and not talk with anybody.
    and every so often go crazy and run up the wall and spit!
    and throw shit at them, like the loony across the hall!
    that's what we can do.
    that's what we can do."

    ve birdy sonunda konuşur:

    "sometimes you're so full of shit"
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