Its not something that I'm ashamed of, just isn't something that i go around telling everyone. Yes. I have both male and female genitalia, but i consider myself a female. Its just a little bit of a penis and really doesn't interfere much with my life. the reason I haven't talked about it is that its not a big deal to me. like come on. its not like we all go around talking about our vags. I think this is a great opportunity to make other multiple gendered people feel more comfortable with their bodies. I'm sexy, I'm hot. i have both a poon and a peener. big fucking deal.
açıklamaya göre hermafrodit olduğunu kabul etmiştir. ufak bir penisi olduğunu ve bu nedenle hem dişi hem erkek olduğu için şanslı olduğunu söylemiş şarkıcıdır. ama kendini dişi olarak görüyormuş.
(bkz: ruhum bir kadındır)