maze of torment

entry1 galeri
  1. sözleri david vincent'a, bestesi ise trey azagthoth'a ait olan morbid angel şarkısı. altars of madness albümünde bulunur. adından da anlaşılacağı gibi işkence temalı bir şarkıdır. kült bir death metal başyapıtıdır. sözleri ise şöyle:

    Life betrayal - a warping rage
    Evil ripping caverns through your mind
    immolation - in blood you've signed your soul away
    Sickening life ends but the horror has just begun
    Vultures moaning a funeral dirge
    Walls await to cradle you and rip your soul apart
    incessant screams echoes through the maze
    insanity approaches - imminent demise

    Maze of torment...(X3)
    (Maze of death)

    Stricken from the holy book - deliverance to pain
    Effigy of jesus christ burning in your mind
    Voices cry out to bid you welcome
    Locked within the dungeons of darkness - no escape!!

    Passing through corridors embedded with
    Scars of those who have gone before you
    And left their marks

    Warning comes too late to save you now
    Visions of suffering stab from the inside

    You pray for death
    Mourning does no good as you can only die once

    Souls are being raped by the maze
    Lost in these halls... endlessly

    Maze of torment...(X3)
    (Maze of death)
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