stargate sg1

entry34 galeri
  1. --spoiler--
    sg1, "Ashen" isimli teknolojik olarak oldukça gelişmiş ve bu teknolojiyi dünya ile paylaşma niyetinde olan bir ırk ile tanışmıştır, ancak jack o'neill, bu ırkın mensuplarını oldukça sıkıcı ve mizah anlayışından yoksun bulmaktadır.

    SAM: Exactly. It was only AFTER Daniel's discovery of the cartouche on Abydos that we were able to make the drift calculation to successfully dial out to other planets. Add to that the database that Colonel O'Neill retrieved from the ancients, we could offer a whole galaxy of worlds the Ashen never knew existed!

    HAMMOND: The news must have come as a shock to them.

    JACK: (dalga geçer tonla) Oh, not really.

    DANNY: What Jack is trying to say is that if they WERE surprised, they'd never show it.

    JACK: They don't get excited in general, General. It's like an entire planet of accountants.*

    TEAL'C: Colonel O'Neill mistrusts the Ashen.

    JACK: I never said that.

    TEAL'C: Indeed you did. on several occasions.

    JACK: No! I didn't. What I said was : I didn't trust people "without a sense of humor." Especially that *BORING* guy.


    JACK: I KNOW his NAME! He was boring.
    2 ...
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