evrim geçiren ara türlerin fosilleri

entry22 galeri
  1. evrimin tek kanıtını ara tür fosili sanan tek hücrelilerin bir türlü göremediği fosillerdir.

    dünyanın hangi fosil müzelerini gezerek hangi gözlemleri yaptınız? hangi üniversitelerde hangi biyoloji kürsülerini işgal ettiniz? bu fosilleri sizin ayağınıza biz mi getireceğiz? nasıl olacak da göreceksiniz acaba?

    "evidence from fossils. based on myriad similarities and differences between living species, evolutionary biology makes predictions about the features of ancestral forms. for example, numerous features indicate that birds are derived from reptilian ancestors. by contrast, these data reject the possibility that birds were derived from other groups, such as flying insects. scientists have discovered fossil birds with feathers and legs like modern birds, but which also have teeth, clawed digits on their forelimbs, and a tailbone like their reptilian ancestors. fossils are especially important evidence for evolution because, with little effort, each of us can use our eyes and minds to observe and interpret the dinosaur and other ancient fossils in public museums."

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