namı diğer The Betrayer yada Lord of Outland. blizzard northrend in soğuğunda arthas tarafından yenilmesini uygun görmüş olsa da en karizma, en dehşet verici, en sağlam warcraft karakteridir. kullandığı bazı laflar
"Betrayer... In truth, it was I who was betrayed. Still, I am hunted. Still, I am hated. Now, my blind eyes can see what others cannot. That sometimes the hand of fate must be forced! Now go forth... unleash the tides of Doom... Upon all those... Who would oppose us."
* "Imprisoned for ten thousand years. Banished from my own homeland. And now you dare enter MY realm? You are not prepared..."
* "Now I am complete."
* "Isolation can do that to the mind. Now, after all the long centuries you kept me chained in darkness, it is only fitting that I bury you in turn."
* "Whatever I may be - whatever I may become in this world - know that I will always look out for you, Tyrande."
* "We have had much strife between us, my brother. I have known only ages of hate for you. But, for my part, I wish it to end. From this day forward, let there be peace between us."
* "Perhaps hiding here was not the most prudent decision."
* "You have won... Maiev... But the huntress... is nothing... without the hunt... You... are nothing... without... me..."