fight club felsefesi

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  1. durdenism dininin felsefesidir. tyler durden felsefenin kurucusudur. fight club filmiyle ortaya çıkmıştır. tyler durdenin quotelarını okumadan felsefeyi anlamak mümkün değildir. bazı quotelar şunlardır:

    - " say never be complete, I say stop being perfect, I say let... lets evolve, let the chips fall where they may"
    - "Improvement is Masturbation"
    - "How much can you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?"

    - "ime to stand up for what you believe in."


    - "If our father is our basis for God, and our fathers abandoned us, then what does that tell you about God?"
    - "I felt sorry for guys packing into gyms trying to look how Calvin Klein or Tommy Hilfiger told them to."
    1 ...
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