bircok grupla albumu bulunmaktadır. nazgulu yerinde tutana ask olsun.
* 2003 - Satanic Warmaster & Krieg (single)
* 2003 - The True Face of Evil (single)
* 2004 - Satanic Warmaster & Akitsa
* 2004 - Satanic Warmaster & Gestapo 666
* 2004 - satanic Warmaster & Clandestine Blaze
* 2006 - Satanic Warmaster & Stuthoff (single)
* 2007 - Satanic Warmaster & Aryan Blood (single
* 2007 - Satanic Warmaster & Mütiilation & Drowning the Light
* 2008 - Black Metal Holocaust (single)
* 2008 - Satanic Warmaster & Behexen
* 2009 - Satanic Warmaster & Totenburg (single)