gwyneth paltrow

entry53 galeri
  1. 10 yasindayken babasindan guzel ve tatli bir hediye almis aktrist. soyle ki

    when i was ten years old, my father and i took a trip to paris, leaving my younger brother and mother in london where she was filming a movie. my dad believed in one-on-one time with us, and sometimes that extended to a weekend away. we stayed at a great hotel and he said i could order whatever i wanted for breakfast (french fries). we went to the pompidou museum, the eiffel tower and the louvre - the usual spots. it was pretty great. on the plane back to london he asked me if i knew why we had gone, just he and i, to paris for the weekend. i said no, but i felt so lucky for the trip. he said, “i wanted you to see paris for the first time with a man who would always love you, no matter what.” from that time on, paris was and continues to be very special to me. i lived there for five months in 1994 and i have made many trips back. these are the places in paris i stay and eat and toast my dad.

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