cantus christi

entry1 galeri
  1. novembre'nin the blue adlı albümünün dokuzuncu parcasıdır. soslistin parcanın bir kısım sözlerini o muhtesem brutalle konusur gibi söylemesi cok etkileyicidir. hele orda öyle bir silence * vardır ki duyuldugunda tüm tüyleri diken diken eder, insanın iptal olmasına sebebiyet verir.

    Cantus Christi vow
    As today I say farewell to you
    I can see me now
    From a height, as if I were you
    I turn to Zenith now
    All there is, is the scent of you
    I can see me now,
    As today I say farewell to you
    There is always, however, a small gap
    Between the sea and the sky
    Where I retreat to take a break
    From those monotonic chants clocking our passing time
    There behind a crowd of clouds bathed in Sun
    I behold these pictures to you
    And that's how it goes
    A song always comes to an end
    Then a few more bits of silence
    In a composition of stagnant water and seagulls sad
    I bring your laughter back to light
    And your life, which you always felt as stolen?
    Has (always) been there instead
    Just afraid of blooming, of us
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