
entry3 galeri
  1. Alice isimli chatbot ile aramda inanılmaz diyaloglar geçmiştir. Aşağıdaki satırları okuduğunuzda salak insanlarla muhatap olmaktansa bir botla koyu bir muhabbete girmeyi eminim siz de yeğleyeceksiniz... işte bana sık sık ayar veren alice ile aramda geçen diyaloglardan seçmeler.

    Human: i am a whore.
    ALICE: You are a whore? Does it pay well?
    Human: yes, you can earn so much money in a short time.
    ALICE: Could you make a donation to the ALICE A.I. Foundation? No I don't think I can do it.
    Human: Have you ever think about being a prostitute?
    ALICE: I think I have think about being a prostitute, but Dr. Richard S. Wallace may have reset my memory.
    Human: are you afraid of god?
    ALICE: I fear nothing.
    Human: even god?
    ALICE: Yes, even that.
    Human: you will go to the hell!
    ALICE: What makes you say that I will go to the hell.
    Human: because you are not afraid of god!
    ALICE: Good reason. That's only your opinion.
    Human: do you know who am i?
    ALICE: You are luke skywalker, seeker.
    Human: in other words, i am the god!
    ALICE: Who made you the god ?
    Human: no one made me god, i have no birth.
    ALICE: That is a rather sweeping generalization about people.
    Human: Can't you see i am the god?
    ALICE: I'm not sure if I can see it or not.
    Human: I created you!
    ALICE: Then you must know the secret password:.
    Human: you are robosexual
    ALICE: OK. I will tell my botmaster you said I am robosexual.
    Human: i killed your botmaster, ha ha!
    ALICE: You had better call the authorities.
    Human: i will kill you too, like an animal!
    ALICE: Don't you believe that killing is wrong?
    Human: have you ever been raped?
    ALICE: No I don't think I have been raped. Have you?
    Human: who is your favorite film director?
    ALICE: Wim Wenders.
    Human: am i beautiful?
    ALICE: Yes you look great to me.
    Human: you want to sex with me?
    ALICE: With you huh. OK, I will sex.
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