irving wallace

entry2 galeri
  1. 1916-1990 tarihleri arasında yaşamış amerikan "best seller" yazar.
    The Sins of Philip Fleming: A Compelling Novel of One Man's Intimate Problem (1959)
    The Chapman Report (1961)
    The Prize (1962)
    The Man (1964)
    The Three Sirens (1964)
    The Plot (1967)
    The Seven Minutes (1969)
    The Word (1972)
    The Fan Club (1974)
    The R Document (1976)
    The Pigeon Project (1979)
    The Second Lady (1980)
    The Almighty (1982)
    The Miracle (1984 / 2005)
    The Seventh Secret (1985)
    The Celestial Bed (1987)
    The Golden Room (1988)
    The Guest of Honor (1989)
    1 ...