yaran omegle diyalogları

entry324 galeri
  1. Connecting to server...
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: Hello. If you are interested in a cool webcomic, check out http://www.dollopfrog2.webs.com
    I have started this one. Its new, and i would love to hear what you think.
    If you like it, i update it every week, sometimes more.
    You: a.q. botu
    Stranger: eh?
    You: eh sus artık
    Stranger: Hello. If you are interested in a cool webcomic, check out http://www.dollopfrog2.webs.com
    I have started this one. Its new, and i would love to hear what you think.
    If you like it, i update it every week, sometimes more.
    1 ...