strange brew

entry2 galeri
  1. adamların peşinden o kadar çok kız koşuyo ki böyle şarkılar yazabiliyolar. gerçi bu tarz kızdan da kaçacan hacı, fitne ficur hep bunlar. disraeli gears'ın açılış parçası, şahane bir blues klasiği. clapton'ın grupta daha aktif olma çabalarının ürünüdür.


    Strange brew -- kill whats inside of you.

    Shes a witch of trouble in electric blue,
    In her own mad mind shes in love with you.
    With you.
    Now what you gonna do?
    Strange brew -- kill whats inside of you.

    Shes some kind of demon messing in the glue.
    If you dont watch out itll stick to you.
    To you.
    What kind of fool are you?
    Strange brew -- kill whats inside of you.

    On a boat in the middle of a raging sea,
    She would make a scene for it all to be
    And wouldnt you be bored?
    Strange brew -- kill whats inside of you.

    Strange brew, strange brew, strange brew, strange brew.
    Strange brew -- kill whats inside of you.
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