yaran omegle diyalogları

entry324 galeri
  1. sözlükten öğrenip de girdim dün gece ilkkez omegle denen zımbırtıya. zaten hepsi türk ve onların da yarısına yakını belki de bir sözlük yazarı.

    öyle bir diyalog yaşadım ki, hayatımın en eğlenceli 1 saatiydi. evet tam bir saat, akraba çıkıcaktık lan adamla neredeyse. yoğun küfür ve ingilizce içerir, belki ajdar ve bülent ersoy'a inceden hakaret de içeriyor olabilir, söyleyivereyim dedim. sıkılmadan okursanız eğlenirsiniz. valla bak...

    5.5.2009, saat sabaha karşı 4.30 , orlando-boston maçının yanında bununla ilgilenmeye karar verilir ve olaylar gelişir...

    1969 users onlinethe Funadvice Traffic ExchangeConnecting to server...
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

    Stranger: hi
    You: hi
    You: how r u
    Stranger: not bad.
    Stranger: u?
    You: tired
    Stranger: everyone s tired. it s millennium :P
    Stranger: where r u from?
    You: canada
    You: then u?
    Stranger: really?
    Stranger: finally someone out of my country
    You: yes?
    Stranger: turkey
    You: :D
    You: what time is it there? *
    Stranger: 4 am
    You: fuck!
    Stranger: yeah
    Stranger: what time there?
    You: 8pm *
    You: why are you awake then?
    Stranger: it s complicated.
    Stranger: i woke up early to do my homework
    Stranger: but
    You: why so serious :P
    You: but?
    Stranger: i already go to bed about these hours usually.
    Stranger: i think i have problems :P
    You: what kind of :$
    Stranger: pfff... i don t know
    Stranger: about myself
    Stranger: i dont know who i am recently
    You: so philosophic
    Stranger: i m always tired. i cant think straight
    You: who knows
    Stranger: my grades suck
    You: if you wont sleep go and take a coffee
    Stranger: good idea *
    You: thats not a big problem
    Stranger: so tell me about yourself
    You: im very complicated too
    Stranger: why so?
    You: cauz of religional problems
    Stranger: that s interesting
    You: are u muslim or jewish? *
    You: i dont know reaally
    Stranger: you cant marry because of your religion or saomethin?
    Stranger: i m muslim.
    Stranger: that s what it says on my id.
    You: in real?
    Stranger: but i don t believe in relidion
    You: oo my god
    You: i wanna be a muslim
    You: why dont u wanna accept that?
    You: u an atheist?
    Stranger: nope
    Stranger: i just dont think god needs us to worship him
    You: like a game?
    Stranger: exactly
    You: two monbths ago
    You: i believe like u
    You: but i had a dream
    You: someone called me abdolauh *
    You: or something like that
    Stranger: abdullah
    You: i dont know exactly
    You: yes maybe
    You: when i woke up
    You: there was an interesting light on me
    Stranger: really?
    You: its ridiculuos i know
    Stranger: or was it a part of the dream
    Stranger: r u sure?
    You: i dont know
    You: and i decide to be a muslim and change to my name to abdullah
    Stranger: what was the dream about?
    You: there were me, someone who i dont know really with a beard
    You: and something like a snake
    You: snake was telling me abdollah continiuosly
    Stranger: hmm.. impressive
    You: is there a myth with snake?
    Stranger: i just know the bible story
    Stranger: apple, adam, eve and the snake and stuff
    You: but there is no abdollah in there
    You: i know
    Stranger: yes
    You: for this reason im complicated
    Stranger: and you ve been scratchin your head for two months ha?
    You: not exactly
    You: exactly i scratch my head why bülent ersoy cut her or his cock
    Stranger: oyu know her?
    You: its really interesting man
    Stranger: interesting
    Stranger: yes
    You: is he muslim?
    Stranger: yes.
    You: or she * whatever
    Stranger: a quite religious one
    You: is it free to cut it?
    Stranger: yes
    Stranger: pardon
    You: really?
    Stranger: free in islam?
    Stranger: or the country?
    You: yes i mean?
    You: in islam
    Stranger: no. islam forbiddens it.
    You: so what?
    Stranger: you say what the fuck with bülent ersoy then?
    You: how she lives in your religion
    Stranger: you can t keep her from believing right?
    You: why the conservatives didnt kill him?
    Stranger: she has had hard times i guess
    You: i guess too
    Stranger: but everybody likes her
    Stranger: we re used to her
    You: but i think his husband lived more hard times man
    You: :D
    Stranger: in fact, sometimes her being a man doesn t come to my mind
    Stranger: yes she was married
    Stranger: to a young man
    You: i watched a video in youtube
    You: its reaalyy very weirf
    You: weird
    You: :F
    You: :D
    Stranger: what was it like?
    You: like a monkey
    Stranger: hahaha
    You: :D
    Stranger: all those surgeries
    You: like a botox woman
    You: or something
    You: i cant express him man
    You: reaalyy weird
    You: :d
    You: where are u in turkey?
    You: i know smyrna
    Stranger: istanbul
    Stranger: havent heard of smyrna
    You: what?
    You: you dont know?
    You: close to the kusadsy
    You: i dont remember actually
    Stranger: sorry. my goegraphy has always sucked
    You: how old r u?
    Stranger: 22
    Stranger: u?
    You: 27
    You: u dont know smyrna?
    You: r u a real turkish then?
    Stranger: is it that surprising?
    Stranger: real turk yes
    You: i have a uefa champions league finale ticket
    You: do you want that?
    You: i cant come from here
    Stranger: i don t like football
    Stranger: bur thanks man
    You: what the fuck!
    Stranger: ahahah
    You: do you know ajdar?
    You: ahahaha
    You: dude?
    You: whats that?
    Stranger: awwwwwwwww
    You: is he a person?
    Stranger: ajdar is our hero!
    You: ahahaha
    You: there are unbelieveble videos of him
    Stranger: you watceh "çikita muz" ?
    You: one minute ago dude
    Stranger: ahahahaha
    You: he is perfect
    You: is he real?
    Stranger: do you need medical help right now?
    You: hahahaha
    You: i wish i live in turkey
    You: so funny man
    You: his appearence
    You: wonderful
    You: :D
    Stranger: he s an engineer did you know that?
    You: fuck!
    Stranger: mechanical
    You: i cant believe that
    Stranger: he lives where i used to live in istanbul. my friend used to say they saw him all the time on bus
    You: why he is on bus?
    Stranger: yep
    You: engineer and your hero?
    Stranger: wait
    Stranger: i have something grat for you
    Stranger: grate
    Stranger: great
    You: ok
    Stranger: arrggh
    You: :D
    You: ahha
    Stranger: i have a pic with him!!!!!!!! why do i always forget that?
    You: reaaly
    You: ?
    You: how will u send it to mu?
    Stranger: he came to my school for some fair or somethin
    You: me?
    Stranger: have a gmail account?
    You: yahoo?
    Stranger: i m not familiar with taht but ok
    You: send it my that adreessss
    You: ..........@yahoo.com
    Stranger: ok but u shoul wait. i have to find it
    You: okk
    You: ar u in college?
    Stranger: university
    You: whats that name?
    Stranger: mimar sinan fine arts university
    Stranger: i found the pic
    You: ooo fine?
    You: ok im waiting =)
    Stranger: done
    You: hey
    You: where is it?
    Stranger: wait for it
    You: i couldnt take it?
    Stranger: now
    Stranger: get it?
    You: no :(
    You: i coldnt
    Stranger: what the hell
    You: yes
    Stranger: ok
    You: ertunc?
    Stranger: evet * *
    Stranger: yes
    Stranger: me on the left
    You: ahahaha
    You: what ta fuck maaan=)))
    Stranger: i ll tell you the story
    You: look at his type
    Stranger: we saw him and we were like fuck.
    Stranger: everybody was taking pcs with him
    Stranger: then my frien in the pic said
    Stranger: why not go and give it a try
    You: is she ur girlfriend?
    Stranger: no
    You: ok i got it
    Stranger: i hesitated at first but then said fuck it why not
    Stranger: we went to him and i said
    You: ur so lucky man
    Stranger: mr. ajdar we wanna have a pic with u.
    You: ahahaha
    Stranger: he was very kind of course
    Stranger: he said sure come
    You: is he a actor?
    Stranger: we came close and i put my hand on his shoulder.
    Stranger: no hes not
    Stranger: anyways
    Stranger: when i put my hand on his shoulder he turned at me and said
    You: yes?
    Stranger: no. but your hand on my waist.
    Stranger: waist? is that the word
    You: waist?
    Stranger: hmm around the belly
    Stranger: above the hip
    You: ahahahaha
    You: :D
    Stranger: i dont know the word. checked the dictionary
    Stranger: what ever
    You: ok noprob
    Stranger: when he said that i was about to blow up
    Stranger: u can see that in the pic.
    You: u re great dude
    Stranger: i was barely controlling myself from laughing
    You: o değil de bi ilhan irem vardı o noldu yaw?
    Stranger: ya sikiyim be
    Stranger: nasıl yedin lan beni
    You: abi süperdi yaa
    Stranger: offfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    Stranger: çok acımasızsın
    Stranger: ebemi siktin evbemi
    Stranger: ahahahhaha
    You: olm ne biliim lan bi yalan salliim dedim din min die
    Stranger: kanadaymış
    You: :P
    Stranger: sikiyim kanadayı
    You: abi eğlendik be işte gece gece
    You: :D
    Stranger: aslında bia ra ingilizcen dolayısıyla şüphelenmedim diil
    Stranger: smyrna ne ulan
    Stranger: kafayı yedirttin
    You: 1 yıldır ilkkez ingilizce konuşuorum aq
    You: izmir aq
    Stranger: ekşiden bakıyorum falan
    You: :D
    Stranger: offffffffff
    Stranger: neyse eğlenceliydi
    Stranger: kimsin necisin?
    You: ingilizce egzersizi yaptık hocam yaa
    You: ben bülent ersoydan anlarsın sanmıştım :D
    Stranger: abi youtube diye bi şey var
    Stranger: herkes bilebilir diye şey ettim
    You: aahha eyw
    You: öörenciyim tobb etüde
    You: ankarada
    Stranger: tobb dan 1-2 arkadaşım var aslında
    Stranger: oluş ...... (deşifre etmeye gerek yok sanırsam)
    Stranger: tanır mısın?
    You: ben baktım walla fotorafına onlardan biri değilim ben :P
    You: oluş .....?
    You: tobbda değil olm o
    You: tanıorum ama tobbda değil
    You: kız dimi?
    Stranger: allah allah
    You: renkli gözlü falan?
    Stranger: kız evet
    Stranger: lens takıyo eheheheh
    You: abi en yakın arkadaşımın arkadaşı o
    You: bi gece fasılda tanışmıştık
    Stranger: bi dakka ya
    You: zayıf bişi
    You: :D
    Stranger: zayıf diil be abi
    Stranger: balık etli
    Stranger: benim liseden arkdaşım
    You: polatlı die bi ilçesi var ankaranın oralı mı aslen?
    Stranger: en yakın arkadaşı kim zeyneo mi?
    Stranger: evet polatlı
    You: siktir git lan!
    Stranger: ben de oralıyım haliyle
    Stranger: vay amına koyım
    You: amına koy,m tanıdık çıkıcaz
    Stranger: kimsin olum sen?
    Stranger: ama tanımıyosun beni baksana foto yolladım
    You: sercan yaa
    You: zepp le burda tanıştık
    You: ben izmirliyim aslen
    Stranger: zeynep in soyadını hatırlayamadım olaya bak
    You: dönmezoğlu?
    Stranger: dur
    Stranger: evet
    Stranger: tam söyliycektim
    You: :D:D
    Stranger: uzun boylu tatar
    You: olm en yakın arkadaşım lan
    Stranger: ahahahahahhahahhha
    You: 2 hafta önce mezuniyet balosundaydım
    Stranger: sikiyim olaya bak
    You: ahahhaha
    You: :D:D
    Stranger: oha yalnız mezun mu oldu?
    Stranger: çüş be
    You: heeaa hazırlığı atladı hatun
    Stranger: millet bitiriyo ben daha yeni başladım ulan
    Stranger: oluş un okul neydi ya karıştırdım
    You: olsun abi öörencilik iidir
    You: ben de hatırlamıom onu
    You: bi kez beraber olduk işte fasılda
    Stranger: tobb du bea
    You: ama zepp in walluna yazıo hep
    You: ordan kalmış aklımda
    Stranger: zeynep le nerden tanışıyosunuz?
    You: yok lan değil avuç kadar okul zate tanımam mı bizim okulda olsa :D
    You: kız arkadaşımın çok yakın arkadaşı o
    You: ben de baya samimi oldum dolayısıyla
    Stranger: kız arkadaşın da polatlı dan diildir heralde
    You: yok o ankaralı
    You: :D
    Stranger: of ya olaya bak
    You: abi cidden yaa
    Stranger: kaydedicem bu konuşmayı
    You: istesek ayarlayamayız bunu geceninbeşi aq
    You: ben de kaydedicem aynen
    You: sözlüğe de dayayacam
    You: :D

    işte böyle böyle yeni tanışmalara da vesile falan oluyor. hemen samimi olduk bugün sinemaya gittik, şimdi de eve döndük birlikte kafaları falan çektik. hoşlanıyorum galiba lan be çocuktan.

    naptın lan omegle!!!
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