yaran omegle diyalogları

entry324 galeri
  1. irlandalı kızıl bir hatun rolünde pek çok sazan avlayabileceğiniz siteymiş burası*
    You: boobs
    Stranger: naber yeğen
    You: write in eng.
    Stranger: where re u from ?
    You: ireland
    You: u?
    Stranger: turkey
    You: oww
    Stranger: name ?
    You: ı know there
    Stranger: ok
    You: jodie
    You: urs?
    Stranger: yalancının götünden kan aksın mı ?
    You: ??
    Stranger: that means nice to meet you
    Stranger: i'm murat
    You: ohh dont use ur own lang.
    Stranger: sorry *
    Stranger: jodie is a girl name or boy name ?
    You: girl name
    You: murat is a girl name
    Stranger: it's good so how old are you ?
    You: or boy?
    Stranger: boy aq
    You: ı'm 19
    You: ur age?
    Stranger: 21
    Stranger: i think its good
    You: whats good?
    Stranger: your age
    You: ı see
    Stranger: sorry, have you got a msn ?
    You: no. ı have just yahoo
    Stranger: this is a messenger program ? so we should talk in messenger program?
    You: yes its chat programme
    Stranger: i would meet you
    You: why?
    You: we've just known each other
    Stranger: i like other contries people
    Stranger: yes you all right
    Stranger: i know
    Stranger: i'm sorry
    Stranger: but i just said
    Stranger: do you angry me ?
    You: no.
    You: but u are new
    You: ı cant trust you
    Stranger: thank you
    Stranger: but i think
    Stranger: you'll trust me
    You: maybe
    Stranger: how can i help you for trust me
    You: nothing 4 now
    You: just talk 4 fun
    Stranger: i agree with yo
    Stranger: u
    Stranger: but i think meet to people of other contries
    Stranger: sounds good
    You: yes.
    You: but its early
    You: my family went to turkey
    Stranger: yes i know (:
    You: 2 years ago
    You: :D
    Stranger: really ?
    Stranger: where ?
    You: yes.
    You: but ı have never been in there
    Stranger: it's bad for you *
    You: ı wanna see istanbul, kemer
    Stranger: i advice you must come here
    Stranger: i stay in istanbul
    You: woww
    You: really
    Stranger: yes
    You: ı am crazy abaut there
    Stranger: also i want to tour of europe esp scot. eng. and there
    You: scotland and u.k is boring
    You: always fucking rainy :(
    You: ı wanna hot, beaches and sea
    Stranger: hahah yes i know
    You: *
    Stranger: therefore i advice you
    Stranger: you must come here
    You: and dark and cute boys *
    Stranger: like me :p
    Stranger: there are a lot of dark and cute boys here
    Stranger: also beaches
    Stranger: maybe i wolk arround you when you'll come
    You: ı dont have much money 4 holiday
    You: :(
    You: also ı have to graduate from my college
    Stranger: whats your departmant ?
    Stranger: *department
    You: communication
    You: wats urs?
    Stranger: really ?
    Stranger: me too
    Stranger: what kind of communication ?
    You: actually
    You: its abaut
    You: media
    Stranger: its good
    Stranger: me too
    You: u must be kiddin. *
    Stranger: we are lucky for meet each
    Stranger: i really am serious
    You: which college?
    You: in istanbul?
    Stranger: do you know yeditepe
    You: no
    You: ı have to go now
    Stranger: so jodie i really like you.. you are interesting and cute. i think so * therefore i think we must meet.. what do you think ?
    You: see u murat
    You: u dont know me
    You: how can u like me ??
    Stranger: you stady for communication
    Stranger: so you live in ireland
    Stranger: etc
    You: why all the turkish boys are horny ??
    Stranger: could you give me ur yahoo adress for add you?
    You: some of my friends told me this
    Stranger: you are wrong
    You: no.
    You: ı am right
    You: ı really have to go
    You: cheers
    Stranger: ok
    Stranger: bye
    3 ...