yaran omegle diyalogları

entry324 galeri
  1. Connecting to server...
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hi
    Stranger: Hey there
    You: what's up
    Stranger: Im good, and you?
    You: fine, where are you from?
    Stranger: the Netherlands, and you?
    You: japan
    Stranger: Cool,
    Stranger: what time is it there?
    You: early morning
    Stranger: Aha
    Stranger: And where in Japan do you live?
    You: tokio
    Stranger: cool
    Stranger: So
    Stranger: what brought you to this site so early in the morning?
    You: ı'm working nights and ı 'm surfing the internet at mornings.
    Stranger: Aha
    Stranger: You work alot then?
    You: yes, ı'm security guard
    Stranger: Aha
    Stranger: Of a company?
    You: yes, what's your job?
    Stranger: I have none at the moment, still in high school
    You: being a student is good. ı'm missing my school years
    Stranger: How old are you then?
    You: 25
    You: you?
    Stranger: I see, 17 here
    You: cool
    Stranger: So, hows life in japan, i always thought it was very hectic
    Stranger: you know, people working alot
    Stranger: But ive never been there myself
    You: in fact, i am a liar. i am not a japanese. sorry.
    Stranger: Really?
    You: ı am from turkey. ı wantek to know your reaction
    You: wanted
    Stranger: should have known youre turkish haha
    Stranger: only you people can write the i without the point on top
    You: this a clue for you :D
    Stranger: So.. how old are you really then? male/female, job, study?
    You: 18, student, male
    You: your sex?
    Stranger: Male
    You: ok, lets find a girl then. will you find a girl for me in netherlands? :D
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
    *komik lan burası.
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