yaran omegle diyalogları

entry324 galeri
  1. öncelikle Ha s.ktir ulan deyip diyaloğuma geçiyorum:

    Stranger: wer r u from
    You: us
    You: u?
    Stranger: turkey
    You: originally i live in republic of semih
    You: have you ever heard?
    Stranger: no
    Stranger: male or female
    You: female
    You: u?
    Stranger: where do you know republic of semih :s
    You: i told you originally i live in there
    You: i'm here in usa for education
    Stranger: i cant understand it actually
    Stranger: are u turkish?
    You: no i'm not why?
    Stranger: semih is a turkish name i mean
    You: really?
    You: i didnt know that
    Stranger: where is it
    You: at the middle of north america
    You: why are you asking me these things?
    Stranger: i think that u are u turkish guy. 'cause in this site i never speak a girl,and everytime i heard that at the end i'm turkish man ahahah
    You: well i'm pretty sure that i'm a girl but if you think like that way
    You: no need to chat?
    Stranger: no never mind
    Stranger: its a doubt abuot only turkish womanizers:D
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