
entry44 galeri video3
  1. progressive in babası camel in 1999 çıkışlı albümüdür.
    1.three wishes
    2. lost and found
    3. the final encore
    4. rajaz
    5. shout
    6. straight to my heart
    7. sahara
    8. lawrence tracklistidir.
    ayrıca albümdeki aynı adlı parça 8 dakikaya yakın sürer.hayatımda dinlediğim en güzel parçalardan biridir.buyrun sözleri:

    when the desert sun has passed horizon's final light
    and darkness takes its place...
    we will pause to take our rest.
    sharing songs of love,
    tales of tragedy

    the souls of heaven
    are stars at night.
    they will guide us on our way,
    until we meet again
    another day.

    when a poet sings the song and all are hypnotised,
    enchanted by the sound...
    we will mark the time as one,
    tandem in the sun.
    the rhythm of a hymn.

    the souls of heaven
    are stars at night.
    they will guide us on our way,
    until we meet again
    another day.

    when the dawn has come
    sing the song,
    all day long.

    we will move as one,
    bear the load
    on the road.

    the souls of heaven
    turn to stars
    every single night
    all across the sky...
    they shine.

    Edit: la sagrada familia
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